Trainers and Trainees - Forced Workout

Multi-Tasking Part 2B

Spruceman (55)

15/12/2017 15:16

You saw Part 2A, the easy part-----Now for the tuff part, taking up as much as half or more of the session, where for each of 100 reps, you are holding each crunch as tight as your can. (Don't forger, you are NOT fully relaxing during any part of the entire session). Just imagine your nemesis is standing by and will be punching that gut when you are least expecting it. And this is not one of the crunch days yur devoting to pounding that gut.

All kinds of things to do with the rest of the body.

(1) The neck: If yur new to all this, you might be having to clasp your hands behind your head to keep you neck from going limp like that of a dead turtle. Start by tightening those neck muscles, even if only a few seconds without keeping it up with your hands, and do that longer and longer time after time. You need those hands 'n' arms for better things. At some point that neck should be tuff enuf so you can be using those arms to push down on your head or push it sideways, resisting with the neck muscles.

(2) Meanwhile, don't let the legs go to waste---scissor them, tightening them against each other as if yur doing a scissors on an invisible opponent – do them tight and see how long you can keep them tight. Work them both horizontally and vertically against each other

(3) At the same time, tighten up those butt muscles, the glutes. Few things look worse on a man than a butt that droops halfway down to the floor. Strive to be a literal hard ass.

(4) While doing all that use the bottom of one foot to press the top of the other real hard. Switch feet.

(5) When giving the neck a rest, use those arms as noted in my earlier blog post about multi tasking –, and work them against each other, with tightly clasped hands to strengthen the grip as you are using one arm to resist the other hard as you can at all crazy angles.

(6) Feel free to flex those back muscles while yur at it

(7) Come to think of it, much of this can also be done during all those other reps for the abs – the other 1,100 or so. Especially if the barbells, dumbbells, machines are not available. While at it, try some or all of this while you are on a Bosu, working wonders for the lower gut. Later on, try some keeping the eyes closed. Best if the Bosu is on your wrestling matt so if you go ass over head off the Bosu, it's not a hard floor. :)

**As always, start light 'n' easy and work up. If yur not used to strenuous exercise or are egregiously out of shape, check with yur licensed medical professional before starting this or really going out hellaciously with this. Merely relating here what I do with this on days I'm not pounding the gut or working out with the equipment I have scattered all over the house. Hit the mats with me; and as are tapping out, you will see that at age 75, this kind of working out is not a waste of my time.**

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