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Streetfighters / Brawlers

I do not have the long list if opponents have so I will post here

Rocket (3 )

23/12/2017 01:53

I am wondering if anyone has interest in using small sharp knives in a sexual situation. They could be used for scars or even opening the skinny for blood play.
Have seen many different types and styles used The kniife involved would make it a very special and unique situation you..and what you do with your partner is more Interesting than anything. What would you do first. I know I would like a scar. It should be placed in obviously viable place. That is the discussion we would have. Safe sane and responsible. You know we are always on the fringe. Why give Jeff Sessions a chance to be involved.
Tqkq minute and tell me what you think. If it twisted that is fine . Remember however there narrow minded may read and jump to conclusions that they never will give up. It's how their mind functions.

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