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Streetfighters / Brawlers

Group meet

Tynesider (87)

26/1/2017 22:41

Pippa's in Manchester, England is booked from noon on June 17th. I'll post details on the events page asap.


Tynesider (87)

28/1/2017 07:02

(em resposta à...)

I've put details on the events page.

If it is accepted by Admin it should be displayed shortly.


bigchicago (69)

02/2/2017 12:23

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Could those of us who unfortunately can't make it get some kind of report on the event? So we know what happened??


Tynesider (87)

02/2/2017 15:04

(em resposta à...)

Attendees get the opportunity to comment on the meet afterwards so you may be able to read them.


Tynesider (87)

02/3/2017 00:42

(em resposta à...)

Going by the names down so far this could be a good meet.


Tynesider (87)

25/4/2017 07:06

(em resposta à...)

Note that this meet will run from noon until 17:00.


scotsgrappler (116)

14/5/2016 09:40

Keep me posted mate


BoxerBoy (20)

14/5/2016 07:35

I am interested and in Manchester first week in August


Fighter UK (25)

14/5/2016 06:56

Could be good



29/11/2016 02:06

(em resposta à...)

I would like to fight with you


Tynesider (87)

09/5/2016 19:05

Who in the UK would be interested in a group meet? It would probably in Manchester.


dermott wigan1 (70)

21/1/2017 10:51

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Shall we get this sorted seems guys are up for it just need to get date and time sorted


Tynesider (87)

21/1/2017 22:35

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You are right Dermot. Watch this space.


dermott wigan1 (70)

13/5/2016 23:58

(em resposta à...)

Sounds good

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