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Streetfighters / Brawlers

Fat drunk fights?

bobbydadscrapper (3)

04/9/2020 17:06

Works for me too. Love a drunken scrap. Anyone in UK up for one?


Beefyscot (2)

04/9/2020 19:04

(em resposta à...)

Anytime up for it


Claretspete (1)

04/9/2020 17:07

(em resposta à...)

Me message me


tuffchap (1)

01/9/2020 12:53

Nothin like the spectacle of two fat drunken bastards whalin on each other.

That's livin the dream.


PopsBearBrawler (5)

02/9/2020 17:13

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Works for me, bud.


tuffchap (1)

03/9/2020 12:48

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Fuck Yeah!

Scope out a dive and after the covid we celebrate with a pier nine brawl.

May that day come soon.


Beefyscot (2)

02/9/2020 06:02

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I would scrap u


tuffchap (1)

02/9/2020 13:35

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You def got an advantage with age, height and weight, but drunk enough I could definitely swing at that face. That's a mug made to punch. And everybody on this site would agree.

I've been to Edinburgh (2 years ago). Great city. Scot's are cool. And from what I saw they can swill the swill.


Claretspete (1)

01/9/2020 12:55

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Come to uk and fight me


tuffchap (1)

01/9/2020 13:03

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You know a fat drunk?

I've been to London three times in the last three years. Have no idea when that'll happen again.

But sure, reserve us a spot and we'll scrap hopefully in the future.


Claretspete (1)

14/6/2020 11:29

Il fight u


Recom (0)

14/6/2020 04:43

Love to see fat thugs fight, love to see a huge overweight guy vs a muscle guy in a bar fight.
Anyone else into that?

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