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South Florida Wrestlers Guys who like to roll around for body contact

In Ft. Lauderdale 11/9-13

Lankywinner (2)

04/10/2022 10:36

If any Broward, Miami-Dade, or Palm County blokes have space in their busy schedules for a healthy match, I'll be in your sensually-soothing clime in Nov. for a few days and would groove on finding a sane, sensual, but also muscle-driven match - on a mat, in a pool, anywhere that doesn't deliver rug-burns or otherwise make a match more about avoiding rolling into clutter or tossing you, or being tossed by you, into a swag lamp. Something tells me there are still a few of those down there (?). Have minimal wrestling experience, at least nothing in recent decades, and hunger to find a clean-living, frisky guy with whom to savor some give-and-take and a bit of strength-testing. Glad to take on both other tall ectomorphs as well as a short mesomorph or 2 (the 2 not at the same time). Drop a line via this site if there's a way of connecting, should you be interested.

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