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Seattle Rec Pro Wrestling

Seattle Rec Pro Event Roster

aawrstlman (27 )

15/11/2019 05:20

I can't find the link to the event. Can you post here?


Slater J (47 )

15/11/2019 08:21

(em resposta à...)

No event link.
What type of info are you looking for? I can get you want you need. DM me.
Also check the forum board postings for lots of info and match challenges. If you are planning on coming let me know as soon as you can so we can add you to the roster.


bcapprentice (7)

14/11/2019 04:53

I have now committed to coming. Once you Americans resolve your differences, we Canadians will take over.


Slater J (47 )

14/11/2019 16:29

(em resposta à...)

Great news! I’ll be updating the roster this weekend. You part of The Heel Army or Jobber Squad?


Roughmatch (127 )

14/11/2019 05:59

(em resposta à...)

BCApprentice will be conquered by Roughmatch and sent back over the border with a loss to his record


Roughmatch (127 )

03/11/2019 22:49

Tommy Roberts should be listed as Rough Match. Rough Submission is another MeetFighter user. Thanks for making the changes.


Slater J (47 )

03/11/2019 20:08

Hello all. This is a list of CONFIRMED attendees for The Seattle Rec Pro Wrestling Event.

Johny Armani (the_Viper)
Tommy Roberts (Roughsubmission)
Carter Steele
Roddy “The Bull” Rodrigo

Slater Jackson ( Slater J)
Jack Bouvier (Jackbouvier)
Sam Drax ( sdj58)

LIST TO BE UPDATED as wrestlers confirm. If your name is not listed and you are planning to attend please DM me.

Friday Night Fights:
Heel Army VS The Jobber Squad

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