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Seattle Rec Pro Wrestling

Count me in

t dawg (61)

14/9/2019 21:17

Do not think ur leaving me out of this. I’ve taken slater down before!!


Roughmatch (127 )

15/9/2019 02:15

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T dawg, after we take out Slater, you are going to be pinned by the Pit Bull. A real dog fight.


t dawg (61)

15/9/2019 02:16

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By you? Please


Roughmatch (127 )

15/9/2019 02:17

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Yeah, by me. I know how to do pro and submission both. Don't underestimate me. You will pay, big mouth.


viper (79)

31/8/2019 07:48

I am taking your belt Slater. I will destroy you. Your days as Seattle League Champion are numbered. On your knees slater and beg for mercy.
You and your jobber squad dont scare the real men of the Slaughter Slater Club. Prepare to lose epicly.


Slater J (47 )

31/8/2019 07:54

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Once The Jobber Squad squares off with your so called “Slaughter Slater Club” we will have you bunch of heels running back to where you came from!

I think The Viper runs a good game of mouth but cant back it up once he enters the ring with his pack of heels.


viper (79)

31/8/2019 08:15

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"Back to where we came from" I figured Slater Jackass is in deed a Trump supporter, one more reason for me to whip his pathetic ass and put slater in his my FEET

I will back it up, and the pack of heels can feast on the left overs


Slater J (47 )

31/8/2019 14:37

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Definitely NOT a Trump supporter.

Your rag tag bunch of ruthless merciless heels will have your hands full trying to tame and make the jobber squad suffer! We will send you heels back to the locker room with your egos bruised and trunks wedgied!


viper (79)

01/9/2019 01:41

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Slater you will never strike fear into the hearts of the real men, the heel army.
and fear of a jobber squad....what else you got a team of bunnies, a bunch of dandalions, a pack of guinnea pigs?


Slater J (47 )

01/9/2019 17:38

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Heel Army VS Jobber Squad!
Alliance will be formed! Friendships will be betrayed!

This is gonna be one epic Rec pro wrestling event!


Roughmatch (127 )

01/9/2019 01:45

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I'm not part of Slater's bunch. I'm with the guys who are going up against him in a total beat down.


Roughmatch (127 )

31/8/2019 15:06

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Viper, you will be glad you have RoughMatch on your team when we go after Slater and his goons. I've been in the wrestling business for 23 years and have wrestled some of the biggest men and some of the best men in the business. You can count on me to have your back and we'll take Slater and his cronies down hard!


TFlex (8)

30/8/2019 14:07

Cant keep me away! Looking forward to the event!


Slater J (47 )

30/8/2019 15:03

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Another member of The Job Squad! Yes!


Roughmatch (127 )

30/8/2019 05:42

Count me in. Rough Match here


Slater J (47 )

30/8/2019 15:04

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I see you are siding with Viper and WADaddy. Be warned The Job Squad takes no prisoners!


viper (79)

03/9/2019 01:29

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The jobber squad is gonna get some prison treatment....


Roughmatch (127 )

30/8/2019 15:36

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TFlex, WAdaddy, Viper and Roughmatch vs Slater. Four on 1. Slater is going down!


Slater J (47 )

30/8/2019 16:17

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I can handle y’all! TFlex HEEL turn?! I’m counting on him to back me up! ;)


Roughmatch (127 )

30/8/2019 05:42

Count me in. Rough Match here


Slater J (47 )

29/8/2019 22:21

Job Squad!


jackbouvier (106)

04/7/2019 05:18

Count black Jack bouvier in …...


TFlex (8)

30/8/2019 15:58

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Stud! 💪🏼‼️


Roughmatch (127 )

30/8/2019 16:07

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After Slater is eliminated, then the four of us get into a Battle Royale.


Slater J (47 )

30/8/2019 16:18

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Eliminated! Battle Royale crown will be mine!


TFlex (8)

31/8/2019 22:03

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I don't doubt that!


viper (79)

01/9/2019 01:34

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you should doubt it, no jobber boi is winning anything except pain


Roughmatch (127 )

01/9/2019 01:37

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Viper, we're in this together against Slater, right?


viper (79)

03/9/2019 01:30

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All Heels are welcome to help put down this jobber revolt. And there is nothing more revolting than a bunch of jobbers!

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