Pin lovers


asicsinglet (0)

03/7/2017 13:54

yea i loved using the guillotine or power half with a ball and chain locked on the guy in h.s matches to pin opponents.....liked tilt stacking em too with double armbar......or a spladle was extra awesome...espec in front of opponents team bench


Just Dan (8)

04/7/2017 12:23

(em resposta à...)

I see actual pins we used in high school are alive and well.

But I didn't appreciate the erotic aspect of them at the time.


Beave101 (9)

11/12/2016 02:54

My favorite folkstyle pins are guillotine, double arm bar and the double grapevine


FreeByrd71 (1 )

19/9/2016 00:48

Most of my experience is with pinfalls, being a former high school wrestler. The cross face- half Nelson to a pin was my go to combo. Cradles were nice too!

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