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Kickboxing/Muay Thai


ikf (24 )

25/7/2022 15:49

"Mine are mostly ones that started off small and then got bigger the longer I trained!" – I suspect you have chronic inflammation in your body, that is preventing it from keeping in top shape (hence the small inury) and healing properly (hence the injury keeping getting bigger).

If you were / when you are healthy, your body is able to sufficiently heal itself between your training sessions, so that you do not get (repeatedly) injured again and again; your injuries heal – instead of getting worse.

Most people are dumb, and keep pushing through this, thinking "this is part of fight training" (it is not – not gradually worsening injuries), enduring the pain, giving themselves the excuse pain makes them harder, or thinking there is no other option and it is as it is. But what they are really doing is gradually making themselves into a cripple, and burning out. Please do not do that. Please listen to your body, and find the cause of you not healing, and fix that.


dobok (10)

31/7/2022 10:04

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Cannot stress enough how important this is. Thanks for the comment !


ikf (24 )

01/8/2022 06:09

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My pleasure!


wldct1998 (2 )

22/12/2021 04:41

Anyone have stories of injuries? Mine are mostly ones that started off small and then got bigger the longer I trained! The biggest one is my knee, which requires a brace whenever I am extremely active, and I'm sure it started with all the kneeing the heavy bag. And now my tennis elbow (or is it Muay Thai elbow) gets sore from training elbows or from occasionally blocking kicks.


Blarger (107)

26/7/2022 13:12

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SLAP tear in my shoulder. Physical therapy helped a LOT.


wldct1998 (2 )

30/7/2022 07:22

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Glad PT helped. I know a lot of people complain about having to go through it, but it really can help.


Robert83 (0 )

23/7/2022 16:13

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Cracked ribs for me :)


wldct1998 (2 )

23/7/2022 21:37

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I just got over cracked ribs. :-( it’s sad as it makes it nearly impossible to train for 4-6 weeks.


Robert83 (0 )

24/7/2022 15:09

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impossible to sleep too in my case


wldct1998 (2 )

24/7/2022 22:52

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It was hard for me because I’m a side sleeper.

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