The punchee is stood up against a hotel room wall. Their closest friend received a text prior to the meeting, notifying them of it, and that if they don't receive another text in the next two hours, they should call the cops. Other than that, the punchee is completely alone, his or her surroundings completely unfamiliar to them, the room deathly silent save for the preparations of the puncher. Anxiety but also excitement build up to feverish heights with every second that passes.
And then it starts, gently at first, but gradually growing into a hellraising symphony of fists, knees, elbows and feet.
Near the end of the two hours, the punchee is on his or her knees, arms wrapped around their broken midsection, heaving for a breath, glistening with sweat, painted in red and olive-green bruises, which the next day will turn the colour of piss. Their genitals throb painfully and weep.
The puncher lifts them up off their feet, carries them and dumps them unceremoniously onto the bed, and has their way with their now-broken toy.
In the end, the punchee head back to their car, slumps down in their seat and texts their friend as sounds of music drown out the pain, the humiliation, the unbridled euphoria that no other activity can match – genitals still twitching with phantom fingers.
They peel out of the dingy hotel parking lot and drive home under cover of the night.
I like various scenarios. Sometimes I think about hanging out with someone who sucker punches me every little while, or working a blue collar job, like at a warehouse or factory, and I get pinned against a wall or some machinery, and get gutpunched by one or more guys. Maybe get cornered in an alley and worked over. Sometimes worked over in front of a laughing, jeering crowd. Interrogation with gut punches. I think about being thought of as a villainous narcissist who gets well deserved beating. I could go on. As you can tell, I want more than just a boring standing against a wall session.
The things the sessions would have in common:
It lasting long enough that it feels like it might never end,
Ensure the possibility of future sessions by being left physically intact enough that I could walk away, after being on the ground, groaning in pain for a while,
Seeing the puncher's expression provide evidence that he/she's really enjoying causing me pain and humiliation.
I relate to wanting someone to just randomly punch me while hanging out. In high school I had a friend who would punch me in the sides at the lunch table from behind.
To be tied up and restrained so I couldn't move. Standing still, so the puncher can study and handle my body more. With my belly naked, have two powerful men or women punching me as hard and deep as possible. Aim to the navel with punches, knees, kicks, elbows and blunt objects like baseball bats and brass knuckles. Hit my gut until you get tired. No mercy 😉
That's exactly the way I like to do it! Brutal, nonstop, deep slugs to his NAVEL with his body tied TIGHT to the wall behind him in restraints. I use my bare knuckled fists. Watch his stomach skin turn red as my gut slugs continue relentlessly. Listen to his moans & groans of pain & pleasure. Before untying his wrists from the wall, kneel in front of him, work his bruised navel HARD with my hands, mouth, tongue and TEETH. Don't untie his wrists until he is totally exhausted. 👊💥🥵
P.S. A nice addition to this session is to have the Jobber blindfolded, if he agrees to it. Thar way, he doesn't know when the next slug is coming until it is landed DEEP in his gut. 💥
This is one of my favorite ways to be gutpunched. The body contact, being controlled, being contained. Every once in a while the punching stops for some nip work 😈👊👍
The way they use to do it. The heel pulls the helpless jobber close to him, grabs the jobber's and puts one arm behind his back. then pulls him close so they can't use the other arm. The jobber doesn't know what is going on until the heel rubs or pat's the jobber belly. The heel then hits the jobber with a fist in his belly. The jobber can't fall because the heel is holding him up. Plus, the jobber can't defend his belly. The jobber is helpless, and his belly is open to the heel for punching.
My ideal session would have my back up against a wall, or at least something solid that keeps me from being shoved backwards from the force of a punch. Shirtless, shorts or boxers only, probably with my arms over my head. I'd stay unflexed the whole time, and my puncher would aim right above my navel at the pit of my stomach. Also in a perfect world he would shove his punches deep into my guts and hold it there for a few seconds to really make it hurt. And we'd go until the puncher was done, even if he outlasts me.
Haven't had a session like this in a long time, but I'd really like one!
'Just the way I like it! My Jobber standing against a wall, his arms outstretched, wrists tied TIGHT to the wall in restraints. Then I "go to work " on his ABS with my bare knuckled fists. I aim for the NAVEL, some slugs to lower ABS. I like to watch his his stomach skin turn red as my slugs continue relentlessly. Test his GP limits!
No offense to anyone. I'm reading quite a lot of involved fantasies on this thread. But for me it's pretty simple really.
My ideal gut put punch session is just me being there with the heel. Wearing short shorts or briefs to show off my body to the puncher. Someone who really enjoys knocking the wind out of other guys. Lightly at first but getting harder as it goes, however he sees fit. He or she can start as hard as they want to, it's up to whoever the puncher is. And going hardcore into the solar plexus with rocking jolting shots as they desire.
Nothing fancy, just hit me in the stomach to knock the wind out of me. If that happens to me brutally on the first punch then so be it. But if not then cruel fists of fury until I can't take anymore.
When it's over if my stomach is bruised and red or if I have a stomach ache it's my fault not theirs.
That's it and nothing more.
Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.
There's two particular I really would like to experience. One where I'm liked knocked out/kidnapped and my hands are tied taunt above my head and my abs are just punished with punches, unable to drop to my knees cause I'm tied so tight. Punched to where I'd simply drop Once I'm untied.
Then there's the scenario where I'm supposed to be in a one on one match but end up overpowered by two or three buys bigger than me and the just take turns pounded me while holding me on place with their stretch.
I like your scenario #1, being Gut Punched while your wrists are tied TIGHT above your head, making the gut totally vulnerable to deep, hard slugs. I like to test a guy's limits when he is in bondage, watch his stomach skin become reddened, listen to his moans & groans of pain & pleasure. I am laser focused on guy's NAVEL while gut slugging. 👊💥🔥
Very cool, I was envisioning the events unfold as you related to scenario. I would love to be a participant in either or both conditions. But I might have to strengthen my wrists some more, LOL
Start with an ambush, coming into the bedroom half dressed. Get met with a punch to the gut. Get pinned on the floor/bed, the gut, pecs, nips and shaft are all targets. I get to hit the attackers abs back while he is on top. He laughs at my punches as we continue to exchange punches till one or both cum.
Great to see I'm not alone. Yeah, I like arms outstretched and secured, maybe knees secured so they don't buckle. I like being the "bad guy," restrained for a while, before any punching occurs, so adrenalin has time to build up. I also like interrogation, creative and extreme verbal abuse and humiliation along with the punches, so it feels like receiving both psychological and physical punches. A good setting would be a warm night, secured to a fence in a warehouse district. Other people around, jeering and cheering as I "get what's coming to me," adds to the effect.
I have a similar fantasy, tho mine is lying on a workout bench, arms stretched overhead and wrists and ankle restrained to the bench legs, blindfolded and nude waiting for an unknown person to walk in and find me there to gut punch and sit upon. Maybe some light cbt.
I would love to start with a kidnapping scenario where my puncher drugs me to sleep. Then he ties me up, blindfolds me. I would like to stand up, be tied against a pillar with my hand and arms stretched behind, exposing my vulnerable abs. First my puncher will punch me, with clothes on, then he will start unbottoning my shirt and punch me through that open shirt. Then he reaches for my dick through zipper and starts teasing it. Afterwards, i was undressed completely naked and the punching goes on. Then he starts edging me with one hand and the other punching me and keep on doing that until i cum.
I preferred to be punched in glove :D
Yeah, that does sound good, except no shirt, so ABS are constantly exposed, vulnerable. And, no gloves, I only slug with bare knuckled fists, as I like the feeling of my fist coming in direct contact with Jobber's skin. I aim for the NAVEL, some slugs to the lower ABS. Test guy's limits. 👊💥🥵
Nice scenario. I like starting out with clothes on too, then my shirt is removed. I also like my dom to start out clothed, then fter I lose my shirt, he loses his shirt. Yeah. Anything which stretches out the encounter, makes it last longer, moving through different phases, I am in favor of it.
I'm not that interested in being restrained. Maybe I will be someday. I basically try to restrain myself
I like to see how much I can take as well. I like your ab bruise - nice 👍
I'm not sure how far to go is too far. I think about recovery time when I plan my gp sessions. I would take gp every day if I could, for that reason I wouldn't go for a marathon session that could result in long lasting muscle damage. I don't worry about internal organ damage, but I suppose it's possible, depending on where punches land. Never actually passed out - I've fallen forward against my opponent - many times 😁 being pushed back against the wall is part of it for me 👊
A long session would be good. It would start with gloved punching, until my stomach muscles get sore, then maybe onto bare knuckles until the skin is nice and red. Knees and elbows next forcing themselves into my gut until it's weakened, which make take a while I have strong core from my sports, though no visible abs. Once my abs are destroyed, then more harder gloved punches (to prevent too much damage) deep into my guts for a long time, around the belly button, maybe until I pass out.
I have never been brave enough to go that far, but have taken two good hour long+ gut beatings (my abs still just about worked), but now I have a long term partner who obviously don't want to hurt me, I am afraid I missed my opportunity to try that myself. Am always interested to hear from those who have had those long sessions, what's it like to be punched until your abs fail and then be punched to K.O, or is it just too dangerous to go that far?
I like to start out on my feet. Standing free, bracing myself. After a while, pushed against the wall, held there with one arm while the other arm punches. Intensity varies. Pec punches thrown in. Some nip work. When I pitch forward after hard punches against my dom, my face and mouth get angled against his pecs, nips, pits, for muscle worship
This is for both punchers and punchees. How do you like your sessions to go? If you could have everything go exactly how you want it, what would that session be like? What are things that really drive you off the edge during sessions? Describe them to me I'm curious to know.
Punchee is standing against a wall, arms outstretched, wrists tied TIGHT to the wall in restraints/bondage. Then the Puncher can "go to work" slugging his abs with bare knuckled fists. 👊 Aim for the NAVEL. with some slugs to lower abs. Watch Punchee's stomach skin gradually turn red and SORE!💥🥵
Forever Seeking (0)
27/10/2024 10:27The punchee is stood up against a hotel room wall. Their closest friend received a text prior to the meeting, notifying them of it, and that if they don't receive another text in the next two hours, they should call the cops. Other than that, the punchee is completely alone, his or her surroundings completely unfamiliar to them, the room deathly silent save for the preparations of the puncher. Anxiety but also excitement build up to feverish heights with every second that passes.
And then it starts, gently at first, but gradually growing into a hellraising symphony of fists, knees, elbows and feet.
Near the end of the two hours, the punchee is on his or her knees, arms wrapped around their broken midsection, heaving for a breath, glistening with sweat, painted in red and olive-green bruises, which the next day will turn the colour of piss. Their genitals throb painfully and weep.
The puncher lifts them up off their feet, carries them and dumps them unceremoniously onto the bed, and has their way with their now-broken toy.
In the end, the punchee head back to their car, slumps down in their seat and texts their friend as sounds of music drown out the pain, the humiliation, the unbridled euphoria that no other activity can match – genitals still twitching with phantom fingers.
They peel out of the dingy hotel parking lot and drive home under cover of the night.
big belly art (0)
20/7/2022 10:54my favorite would be to be gut punched by a big strong fat guy or double teamed by two big strong fat guys, or even a guy & girl couple
slimp (0)
20/7/2022 04:56I like various scenarios. Sometimes I think about hanging out with someone who sucker punches me every little while, or working a blue collar job, like at a warehouse or factory, and I get pinned against a wall or some machinery, and get gutpunched by one or more guys. Maybe get cornered in an alley and worked over. Sometimes worked over in front of a laughing, jeering crowd. Interrogation with gut punches. I think about being thought of as a villainous narcissist who gets well deserved beating. I could go on. As you can tell, I want more than just a boring standing against a wall session.
The things the sessions would have in common:
It lasting long enough that it feels like it might never end,
Ensure the possibility of future sessions by being left physically intact enough that I could walk away, after being on the ground, groaning in pain for a while,
Seeing the puncher's expression provide evidence that he/she's really enjoying causing me pain and humiliation.
GutsGoBoom (13)
30/11/2022 23:18(em resposta à...)
I relate to wanting someone to just randomly punch me while hanging out. In high school I had a friend who would punch me in the sides at the lunch table from behind.
AqvaDomain (0)
19/7/2022 17:28To be tied up and restrained so I couldn't move. Standing still, so the puncher can study and handle my body more. With my belly naked, have two powerful men or women punching me as hard and deep as possible. Aim to the navel with punches, knees, kicks, elbows and blunt objects like baseball bats and brass knuckles. Hit my gut until you get tired. No mercy 😉
GPNavelPuncher (0)
20/7/2022 11:36(em resposta à...)
That's exactly the way I like to do it! Brutal, nonstop, deep slugs to his NAVEL with his body tied TIGHT to the wall behind him in restraints. I use my bare knuckled fists. Watch his stomach skin turn red as my gut slugs continue relentlessly. Listen to his moans & groans of pain & pleasure. Before untying his wrists from the wall, kneel in front of him, work his bruised navel HARD with my hands, mouth, tongue and TEETH. Don't untie his wrists until he is totally exhausted. 👊💥🥵
GPNavelPuncher (0)
20/7/2022 11:52(em resposta à...)
P.S. A nice addition to this session is to have the Jobber blindfolded, if he agrees to it. Thar way, he doesn't know when the next slug is coming until it is landed DEEP in his gut. 💥
ruinurabs (42 )
19/7/2022 19:38(em resposta à...)
Would love to work you! >:)
GPmale (0)
05/4/2022 09:31Spontaneous gp suits me fine.
Stoic (20 )
03/12/2021 13:46This is one of my favorite ways to be gutpunched. The body contact, being controlled, being contained. Every once in a while the punching stops for some nip work 😈👊👍
Proheelmi (3)
03/12/2021 12:39The way they use to do it. The heel pulls the helpless jobber close to him, grabs the jobber's and puts one arm behind his back. then pulls him close so they can't use the other arm. The jobber doesn't know what is going on until the heel rubs or pat's the jobber belly. The heel then hits the jobber with a fist in his belly. The jobber can't fall because the heel is holding him up. Plus, the jobber can't defend his belly. The jobber is helpless, and his belly is open to the heel for punching.
Softbellyj (1)
03/12/2021 04:26I said this b4? 2 strong guys holding my arms while the other numbskull heel give me all he got.
UnflexedPB (0)
02/12/2021 19:42My ideal session would have my back up against a wall, or at least something solid that keeps me from being shoved backwards from the force of a punch. Shirtless, shorts or boxers only, probably with my arms over my head. I'd stay unflexed the whole time, and my puncher would aim right above my navel at the pit of my stomach. Also in a perfect world he would shove his punches deep into my guts and hold it there for a few seconds to really make it hurt. And we'd go until the puncher was done, even if he outlasts me.
Haven't had a session like this in a long time, but I'd really like one!
GPNavelPuncher (0)
05/4/2022 09:09(em resposta à...)
'Just the way I like it! My Jobber standing against a wall, his arms outstretched, wrists tied TIGHT to the wall in restraints. Then I "go to work " on his ABS with my bare knuckled fists. I aim for the NAVEL, some slugs to lower ABS. I like to watch his his stomach skin turn red as my slugs continue relentlessly. Test his GP limits!
ruinurabs (42 )
04/12/2021 16:34(em resposta à...)
I look forward to when we meet. ;-)
Stomach Gutpunch (1)
03/12/2021 01:44(em resposta à...)
En la boca del estómago!!!!
Ahí te daría bién duro. También me gusta mucho que me golpeen en la misma boca de mi estómago!!
abuster (79 )
02/12/2021 20:05(em resposta à...)
I'd love to give you a session like this some day man!
Doublemeover (0)
01/12/2021 09:39Two on one. One holding me in full Nelson other one working my gut. Taking turns Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.
bellyboi (0)
30/11/2021 19:33No offense to anyone. I'm reading quite a lot of involved fantasies on this thread. But for me it's pretty simple really.
My ideal gut put punch session is just me being there with the heel. Wearing short shorts or briefs to show off my body to the puncher. Someone who really enjoys knocking the wind out of other guys. Lightly at first but getting harder as it goes, however he sees fit. He or she can start as hard as they want to, it's up to whoever the puncher is. And going hardcore into the solar plexus with rocking jolting shots as they desire.
Nothing fancy, just hit me in the stomach to knock the wind out of me. If that happens to me brutally on the first punch then so be it. But if not then cruel fists of fury until I can't take anymore.
When it's over if my stomach is bruised and red or if I have a stomach ache it's my fault not theirs.
That's it and nothing more. Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.
TakeThePunchesAI (13)
29/11/2021 17:46There's two particular I really would like to experience. One where I'm liked knocked out/kidnapped and my hands are tied taunt above my head and my abs are just punished with punches, unable to drop to my knees cause I'm tied so tight. Punched to where I'd simply drop Once I'm untied.
Then there's the scenario where I'm supposed to be in a one on one match but end up overpowered by two or three buys bigger than me and the just take turns pounded me while holding me on place with their stretch.
So yeah, those would be fun.
GPNavelPuncher (0)
10/12/2021 13:15(em resposta à...)
I like your scenario #1, being Gut Punched while your wrists are tied TIGHT above your head, making the gut totally vulnerable to deep, hard slugs. I like to test a guy's limits when he is in bondage, watch his stomach skin become reddened, listen to his moans & groans of pain & pleasure. I am laser focused on guy's NAVEL while gut slugging. 👊💥🔥
Challenge3 (49)
30/11/2021 03:57(em resposta à...)
Very cool, I was envisioning the events unfold as you related to scenario. I would love to be a participant in either or both conditions. But I might have to strengthen my wrists some more, LOL
Challenge3 (49)
29/11/2021 12:38Start with an ambush, coming into the bedroom half dressed. Get met with a punch to the gut. Get pinned on the floor/bed, the gut, pecs, nips and shaft are all targets. I get to hit the attackers abs back while he is on top. He laughs at my punches as we continue to exchange punches till one or both cum.
Shep Huntleigh (0)
28/11/2021 16:37I’d like to be punched a few times like this:
And then maybe a few times more.
Any takers?
Gut Challenge (4)
28/11/2021 18:22(em resposta à...)
Wish you were closer.
Shep Huntleigh (0)
28/11/2021 19:25(em resposta à...)
Me, too. Boston punchers are too timid.
slimp (0)
22/11/2021 03:58Great to see I'm not alone. Yeah, I like arms outstretched and secured, maybe knees secured so they don't buckle. I like being the "bad guy," restrained for a while, before any punching occurs, so adrenalin has time to build up. I also like interrogation, creative and extreme verbal abuse and humiliation along with the punches, so it feels like receiving both psychological and physical punches. A good setting would be a warm night, secured to a fence in a warehouse district. Other people around, jeering and cheering as I "get what's coming to me," adds to the effect.
That's just one scenario. I have others.
Gut Challenge (4)
21/11/2021 04:18I would be stretched out on a rack and blindfolded. Unexpected sucker punch - then 30 minutes of breaking down my gut. Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.
GPnWFanzig (0)
29/11/2021 10:34(em resposta à...)
I have a similar fantasy, tho mine is lying on a workout bench, arms stretched overhead and wrists and ankle restrained to the bench legs, blindfolded and nude waiting for an unknown person to walk in and find me there to gut punch and sit upon. Maybe some light cbt.
Gut Challenge (4)
11/12/2021 16:22(em resposta à...)
YES - had that done to me MANY times.
I usually take about 200 punches in about 30 minutes stretched out and wide open on my incline bench. Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.
Challenge3 (49)
11/12/2021 16:32(em resposta à...)
I'm right there man, but I would prefer a back and forth series. We both get worked over till we both are completely done.
kusabi1998 (7)
27/10/2021 22:45I would love to start with a kidnapping scenario where my puncher drugs me to sleep. Then he ties me up, blindfolds me. I would like to stand up, be tied against a pillar with my hand and arms stretched behind, exposing my vulnerable abs. First my puncher will punch me, with clothes on, then he will start unbottoning my shirt and punch me through that open shirt. Then he reaches for my dick through zipper and starts teasing it. Afterwards, i was undressed completely naked and the punching goes on. Then he starts edging me with one hand and the other punching me and keep on doing that until i cum.
I preferred to be punched in glove :D
Slamgut (4 )
29/11/2021 13:05(em resposta à...)
That sounds super exiting ...exactly the way i'd like to be punched 🤤🤤🤤🤔
GPNavelPuncher (0)
05/4/2022 09:19(em resposta à...)
Yeah, that does sound good, except no shirt, so ABS are constantly exposed, vulnerable. And, no gloves, I only slug with bare knuckled fists, as I like the feeling of my fist coming in direct contact with Jobber's skin. I aim for the NAVEL, some slugs to the lower ABS. Test guy's limits. 👊💥🥵
Gut Challenge (4)
28/11/2021 18:23(em resposta à...)
HOT !!! I would DEFINATELY be into that
Stoic (20 )
28/10/2021 04:21(em resposta à...)
Nice scenario. I like starting out with clothes on too, then my shirt is removed. I also like my dom to start out clothed, then fter I lose my shirt, he loses his shirt. Yeah. Anything which stretches out the encounter, makes it last longer, moving through different phases, I am in favor of it.
I'm not that interested in being restrained. Maybe I will be someday. I basically try to restrain myself
Stoic (20 )
27/10/2021 15:34I like to see how much I can take as well. I like your ab bruise - nice 👍
I'm not sure how far to go is too far. I think about recovery time when I plan my gp sessions. I would take gp every day if I could, for that reason I wouldn't go for a marathon session that could result in long lasting muscle damage. I don't worry about internal organ damage, but I suppose it's possible, depending on where punches land. Never actually passed out - I've fallen forward against my opponent - many times 😁 being pushed back against the wall is part of it for me 👊
Gut Challenge (4)
28/11/2021 18:25(em resposta à...)
Same here. I gotta wait about a week between gut work overs.
Zander (1)
27/10/2021 13:37A long session would be good. It would start with gloved punching, until my stomach muscles get sore, then maybe onto bare knuckles until the skin is nice and red. Knees and elbows next forcing themselves into my gut until it's weakened, which make take a while I have strong core from my sports, though no visible abs. Once my abs are destroyed, then more harder gloved punches (to prevent too much damage) deep into my guts for a long time, around the belly button, maybe until I pass out.
I have never been brave enough to go that far, but have taken two good hour long+ gut beatings (my abs still just about worked), but now I have a long term partner who obviously don't want to hurt me, I am afraid I missed my opportunity to try that myself. Am always interested to hear from those who have had those long sessions, what's it like to be punched until your abs fail and then be punched to K.O, or is it just too dangerous to go that far?
Gut Challenge (4)
28/11/2021 18:26(em resposta à...)
You and I have the same idea. Love it that way.
Stoic (20 )
27/10/2021 06:01I like to start out on my feet. Standing free, bracing myself. After a while, pushed against the wall, held there with one arm while the other arm punches. Intensity varies. Pec punches thrown in. Some nip work. When I pitch forward after hard punches against my dom, my face and mouth get angled against his pecs, nips, pits, for muscle worship
Kureitondesu (14 )
24/10/2021 09:01Real time, in person, and regular. Pretty simple really.
Idkwhattoput (0)
24/10/2021 06:17This is for both punchers and punchees. How do you like your sessions to go? If you could have everything go exactly how you want it, what would that session be like? What are things that really drive you off the edge during sessions? Describe them to me I'm curious to know.
GPNavelPuncher (0)
21/11/2021 11:57(em resposta à...)
Punchee is standing against a wall, arms outstretched, wrists tied TIGHT to the wall in restraints/bondage. Then the Puncher can "go to work" slugging his abs with bare knuckled fists. 👊 Aim for the NAVEL. with some slugs to lower abs. Watch Punchee's stomach skin gradually turn red and SORE!💥🥵
Anton (1)
21/11/2021 19:37(em resposta à...)
Damn, exactly how I like
Anton (1)
21/11/2021 19:37(em resposta à...)
Damn, exactly how I like
PunchMyGut99 (0)
26/10/2021 14:08(em resposta à...)
I'd have a yummy muscular ebony chick give me a yummy nipple play and deep uppercuts with also kissing