Gutpunching give/take/trade

The Fist That Sinks Deep

CrushMyAbs (3)

26/6/2015 22:44

Thinpuncher123 managed to sink his fist in my gut just far enough that his wrist was no longer visible to me. That's probably the deepest I can recall


guyaskinforit (0)

26/6/2015 06:21

Yeah, I felt my gut muscles forced back and forth across my spine. It's like a lot of downward force, then change the angle of the fist, and there's a flash of pain and feeling every muscle fiber forced against and across the spine. I don't eat, to be sure I'm empty and nothing interferes with that really deep gut work.


csato444 (0)

25/6/2015 13:40

Guy on here layed me down and sunk fistvup to his wrist. Totally winded me loved it


SileX (219)

25/6/2015 08:51

That sort of thing takes a lot of trust. I would not allow it, unless I met the guy a few times before and we have established a good rapport.


GutPuncher89 (1 )

24/6/2015 23:37

The best part of being a puncher is seeing how deep you can drive your fist into a nice set of abs. At least that's how I myself like it. I like to have my punchee lay down on the ground. I feel a punch comes down harder and deeper into an unflexed gut when lying down. For those of you punchees out there, how deep have you let someone grind their fist into your abs? Were you able to see the fist. Could you even see the puncher's wrist? Have any of you managed to have the puncher's fist sink in so deep that he could feel your spine?

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