Gutpunching give/take/trade

Gut Punch Workout

BPDan17 (0)

05/1/2018 21:19

Hi everyone, i love being punched in the belly and have been doing what i can to fullfill this for a few years now, but up and till recently i just thought it was fun/a ferish, however recently i heard it can bw a good way to get in shape, is this true? If so, id love to meet someone who was willing to beat my gut to both destroy me, and also help me build some muscle/get more in shape!


GPBLN (13)

06/1/2018 15:16

(em resposta à...)

Sure, to a degree. Obviously it helps strengthen your abs if you have to flex them a lot. But it won't spare you the treadmill and the gym.

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