Gutpunching give/take/trade

All about gut punching

TakeThePunchesAI (13)

14/6/2021 19:26

Since the topic is gut punching, wanted to take a moment to share these:


ruinurabs (42 )

14/6/2021 06:28

Wrestling with a high school friend who had ripped abs. I'd trap his arms and restrain his legs, exposing his torso for my punches.


Challenge3 (49)

14/6/2021 15:19

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Ruinurabs, I can so relate to that. Brings back fun back and forth great times.


halndallas (6)

12/6/2021 14:37

fistfight in basic training in front of a dozen guys in a huge barracks with a guy named mario . I guess we were evenly paired cause it went on a long time and i just wanted it to end. He got me on the floor and went to work on my midsection and when some guys pulled him off of me i noticed i had a need to go to the latrine. didn't make it . 2nd time also in the army arguing with some tall hot looking guy in the shower . I had had guard duty overnight so was off the day and I dont know why he was off . I got in his face about something (???), he shoved me and i took a wild swing which he ducked and countered with a sweet punch right to my upper stomach. Worse pain I'd ever felt , thought I was dying. He apologized profusely and helped me up and to my room. We later became friends. 3rd was a sucker punch with a drunk named John in his barracks room. I said something and he slugged me and I staggered out never knowing what I said that ticked him off . Great memories!


AbPuncher2 (1 )

12/6/2021 06:59

I was in 7th grade, so about 13 years old. Was in the locker room after PE class. We had just showered and were dressing to go to class. One of my friends, Vance, was goofing off and challenged us to punch him in the stomach. He was tall, lean, blond, blue eyes. A great looking kid who everyone liked. So, each of us took a turn and I just remember the rush when my fist made contact with his lean smooth six pack. I was hooked.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

13/6/2021 23:09

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Lol, In middles school I was running track and had a skinny pack. This was the time I was getting into having abs and when I discovered gut punching, it was one of the things I did for exercise.


ClaymoreAlexander (41 )

12/6/2021 06:11

I live my fantasies. I post them here.


slimp (0)

12/6/2021 05:38

I had a belly fetish since I was at most six years old. I didn't think about getting it punched or punished till I was in around ten. Initially I enjoyed watching others get punched, but when puberty hit, I became obsessed with receiving punches. The first exciting thing that happened to me was when I was 15, and a kid a little smaller than me kept challenging me to a fight. I tried to avoid him for a while, 'cause I really didn't want to fight a smaller guy. Finally, I gave in and in short order, had him on the ground. I stopped trying to hurt him, but kept slapping him around to humiliate him. A couple of guys came along, who didn't see how the encounter started, and they pulled me off him, held my arms and let him wear himself out gutpunching me. I struggled to get loose, at the same time hoping I wouldn't.

It's interesting how endorphins work at that age, as it stung a bit till the surface of my belly got numb, then it felt like I could take his punches all day. After my abs were weakened enough that his fists started sinking in deeper and deeper, I still felt thrill adrenalin mixed with the kind of deep pain I wanted to feel more of. I kept my vocal cords closed as much as I could, so his punches would be rewarded with entertaining grunts. I don't know how long it went on, but when he quit, the guys threw me to the ground, and I stayed there for a while.

I was sore for a couple of days, then I was ready to find another way to get punched.


Zander (1)

11/6/2021 23:09

So was it the knee that got you into it? With me too it was martial arts ages ago, we spent the whole session punching each other guts for one reason out of the blue to tough then us up and I realised I loved it. Only wished the other guy hit me harder.

Since then I met a couple of guys from here and liked long sessions for over an hour leaving plenty of bruises afterwards and sore abbs for several days. I now have a partner so can't meet up with anyone on here, but finally gotten him to agree to a long punching session on my abs, looking forward to it.


EagleScout18 (5)

11/6/2021 23:37

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The knee thing happened way after my interest


Challenge3 (49)

11/6/2021 05:43

For me, i was in 9th grade during a class i had a guy punch me in the gut. When i wrestled friends it would end up as a gut punch fest. Has never ended.


EagleScout18 (5)

07/6/2021 06:08

Let's chat about gut punching or share photos videos etc just have good time chatting with people who enjoy GP


Cutetxguy75 (9 )

09/6/2021 18:30

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How about you tell us of one of your earliest experiences with gp? What was the one event or moment that got you into it?


hardabs1 (22)

11/6/2021 17:14

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I was in seventh grade, noon recess, eating lunch. About 15 yards away a classmate let another guy punch him in the stomach a couple times. Instant boner for me. Been into gutpunching ever since.


EagleScout18 (5)

10/6/2021 06:34

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Well I haven't really been Punched before the closest I have been is kneed in the stomach and that was a couple days ago in karate


Kureitondesu (14 )

16/7/2021 07:57

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We can change that. halfway and I'll give you memories and soreness ;)

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