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Who Has The Best Abs in MMA Today

TakeThePunchesAI (13)

20/11/2020 01:05

I'm a little behind so I can't expertly give my take, but I'd love to know from you guys who actually in your opinion has the best abs in MMA today?


OxfordToughman (1 )

20/11/2020 15:45

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Damn. Well if you were officially in MMA today, YOU would.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

21/11/2020 02:04

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Lol, I'm flattered man.


OxfordToughman (1 )

20/11/2020 16:18

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There are plenty but I would put sage northcutt in the group. Of course I’d vote for him for anything!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

21/11/2020 02:06

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Oh yeah his abs are crazy. I think I read he had abs as a kid, there was a pic. He looks like he crunches everyday of his life, lol.


OxfordToughman (1 )

21/11/2020 19:07

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Yes. I’ve seen pics when he was quite young. He had abs and biceps. I’m talking like 6 or 7, if that old

I got suspended for a day for posting rage sage pic. Didnt realize that wasn’t allowed. Now I know !

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