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Should I join an MMA club?

NoviusInfernalBerserk (4)

26/8/2021 07:40

Thank you for sharing your experience. I've been training kickboxing and BJJ before corona. Now I think about training MMA. I'm also quite insecure going to a gym for different reasons but it's probably healthier than doing consensual arranged street fights in the woods and I'd also learn something instead of just fighting mindlessly without improving myself. Insecurity is just in our head. There is no reason to be afraid of it. The main problem is that I'd prefer to practice MMA and not a combination of kickboxing and BJJ like martial arts gyms in my town usually offer. Anyways, I need to safe some money first.


gymlad1999 (1)

15/12/2020 22:02

Been wanting to for a while now, but don’t have much confidence to. Any advice? Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.


sid (69)

16/12/2020 09:19

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Just give it a try! You only get confidence by give it a go! I had the same idea when i started, but it was one of the best decisions in my life


gymlad1999 (1)

16/12/2020 10:59

(em resposta à...)

Wow! Thank you so much. Very helpful! Did you wrestle any huge muscle men?


sid (69)

16/12/2020 14:22

(em resposta à...)

In my mma gym i usually train with guys in similar weight category. Being more heavy weight myself i train with the bigger guys, yes

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