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Free Fight

Blackpool fist fight

Beefyscot (2)

07/6/2020 16:40

I still want to fight you
But you blocked me and
I will keep telling other guys till you fight me
Come on you want this fight mr 88


Dennis88 (5)

07/6/2020 16:47

(em resposta à...)

I’m not interested in fighting you


Beefyscot (2)

07/6/2020 18:25

(em resposta à...)

Okay no problem that's fine but you still blocked me after you sent me a place for us to fight bit strange but I accept you don't want to fight me and I wish you good luck in the future


Dennis88 (5)

07/6/2020 19:01

(em resposta à...)

I blocked you because of the nazi comments


Beefyscot (2)

07/6/2020 19:14

(em resposta à...)

I apologise on that
I was wrong
But 88 is a right wing expression and you knew I knew this
I apologise


Dennis88 (5)

07/6/2020 19:50

(em resposta à...)

88 is the year of my birth


Beefyscot (2)

07/6/2020 20:31

(em resposta à...)

Ok fair enough


Dennis88 (5)

19/2/2020 08:37

Anyone in the Blackpool area or anyone who’ll come to Blackpool to give me a good bare knuckle fist fight

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