
hey, Cockfight on Skype?

PJ Boston (29)

18/9/2021 18:19

lookin for a skype cockfight. stroke, compare, see who is bigger....who has to admit he would lose and forced to admit the other guy has the bigger cock. then cuming...if one of us gets close he has to submit but keep edging. see who submits more. lots of verbal trash to humiliate guy with smaller cock.


Ttownfighter (4)

26/9/2021 22:56

(em resposta à...)

I’ll take you on and make you submit!


Newbiehere 00 (2)

20/8/2021 10:26

Hi. I am newbie here. I would like to try everything like trash talk, first cum loser, first cum winner....
Add me on skype!

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