Apparently AZGrappler got some beef with me. I don’t think i did anything wrong but I won’t let him treat me like garbage so if i see one more negative message over me, i will take measures.
Both guys should have to start the contest with soft/limp dicks. Otherwise a contestant could bring himself to the edge, turn on skype and blow his load.
Agree w/ u. Both guys need to start w/ soft limp dicks on Skype for it to be a fair addition both guys can pre-arrange to not cum 1-3 days before...or maybe a group challenge on Skype!
Lottachubby (10)
10/9/2020 07:05pity we're far guys breasts I would challenge you all mmmmmm
Subprbklyn (0)
09/9/2020 17:34What do you win?
TheBlueJustice (1 )
07/8/2020 21:21Who is ready to lose 🍆
Reciprok (0)
08/9/2020 22:06(em resposta à...)
Who's in?? Reciprok on skype
GermanGUY (3)
09/9/2020 11:51(em resposta à...)
How fast can you cum
chestertom (7)
07/8/2020 23:48(em resposta à...)
Hey blue justice - ready to take you on
Okcguywrestler (13)
11/9/2020 14:58(em resposta à...)
Definitely count me in.
Ctgrappler1 (93)
29/7/2020 18:52How about we have a shoot out with multiple fighters that stroke off 1rst to cum wins?
chestertom (7)
30/7/2020 01:35(em resposta à...)
Ready to take you on and take you down any time ctgrappler - let’s race! also up For a shoot out with multiple fighters
AZgrappler (115 )
29/7/2020 20:00(em resposta à...)
So Ctgrappler1 , always game when you are
TheBlueJustice (1 )
29/7/2020 18:40Apparently AZGrappler got some beef with me. I don’t think i did anything wrong but I won’t let him treat me like garbage so if i see one more negative message over me, i will take measures.
Ctgrappler1 (93)
29/7/2020 18:47(em resposta à...)
Let's all get along brothers
TheBlueJustice (1 )
29/7/2020 17:17Not at all. Just didn’t know.
AZgrappler (115 )
29/7/2020 17:19(em resposta à...)
No worries
Just keep hitting up those same guys all day long
As long as you keep avoiding me , you’re winning streak has a chance
TheBlueJustice (1 )
29/7/2020 18:06(em resposta à...)
Hahaha dm your skype i add u now
AZgrappler (115 )
29/7/2020 18:12(em resposta à...)
Please after avoiding me all this time ....
I know who I’d the winner
Plus who wants a hundred messages a day from you
TheBlueJustice (1 )
29/7/2020 18:14(em resposta à...)
Im not avoiding you.. you are avoiding me. And plus don’t say something about me that im not. That’s rude
TheBlueJustice (1 )
29/7/2020 17:14Oh is this a new rule cause I defeated 3 guys on 1 day last week.
AZgrappler (115 )
29/7/2020 17:16(em resposta à...)
It’s always been the rule in here .
I guess you just play by your own rules maybe 🤔
TheBlueJustice (1 )
29/7/2020 11:12Wow would love to see that fight between these strong bears 🐻
Ctgrappler1 (93)
29/7/2020 12:42(em resposta à...)
Ctgrappler1 defeated Blue Justice in less than 60 seconds. Bow down to the king 💪
TheBlueJustice (1 )
29/7/2020 16:37(em resposta à...)
I will get my revenge dont worry
Ctgrappler1 (93)
29/7/2020 18:25(em resposta à...)
No problem brother we'll fight again soon
TheBlueJustice (1 )
29/7/2020 18:28(em resposta à...)
Looking forward to it
AZgrappler (115 )
29/7/2020 16:52(em resposta à...)
Yes loser should admit his loss
boombambam (69)
29/7/2020 15:53(em resposta à...)
Shouldn't the loser admit defeat, instead of the supposed winner claiming victory ?
Ctgrappler1 (93)
29/7/2020 18:29(em resposta à...)
I think he just admitted defeat.
TheBlueJustice (1 )
29/7/2020 18:29(em resposta à...)
Off course. You won. No pb
Ctgrappler1 (93)
29/7/2020 18:30(em resposta à...)
You're a great fighter and very sexy
TheBlueJustice (1 )
29/7/2020 18:31(em resposta à...)
Thank you. You to
AZgrappler (115 )
29/7/2020 14:04(em resposta à...)
Ctgrappler1 way to go
Ctgrappler1 (93)
29/7/2020 18:30(em resposta à...)
Thx AZ grappler it was a good brawl first thing in the morning
bigbear (8 )
29/7/2020 08:11Would beat you all
AZgrappler (115 )
29/7/2020 08:43(em resposta à...)
You all live in a fantasy world
bigbear (8 )
29/7/2020 08:49(em resposta à...)
Your one dreaming
AZgrappler (115 )
29/7/2020 08:52(em resposta à...)
Ha ! You must not realize your fantasy is not reality
bigbear (8 )
29/7/2020 09:01(em resposta à...)
Let’s fight
TheBlueJustice (1 )
21/7/2020 11:24I fight anyone on skype hit me up i add u
AZgrappler (115 )
11/7/2020 14:13You all are lil weeniers
Chubbypinoy (0)
13/7/2020 06:04(em resposta à...)
Id challenge you then
AZgrappler (115 )
13/7/2020 06:28(em resposta à...)
Whenever you’re man enough
Chubbypinoy (0)
13/7/2020 13:41(em resposta à...)
lets go ill dm u my skype user
TheBlueJustice (1 )
11/7/2020 11:39Who is up for first to cum wins... we start with a hard/semi hard cock and after countdown the battle of the cocks starts
wrestlesd (0)
14/7/2020 16:59(em resposta à...)
Would love to first to cum with you man
yqt wrestler (0)
12/7/2020 18:18(em resposta à...)
Sounds amazing!
chestertom (7)
11/7/2020 13:58(em resposta à...)
Take you on any time Bluejustice - am on Skype Muttley592-add me and let’s race - get ready to lose!
AZgrappler (115 )
11/7/2020 08:36Yes both guys should start similarly
boombambam (69)
11/7/2020 07:22Both guys should have to start the contest with soft/limp dicks. Otherwise a contestant could bring himself to the edge, turn on skype and blow his load.
wrestlesd (0)
14/7/2020 17:02(em resposta à...)
Would love to get a look at that bod of yours and blow a load. You like gut punching?
AZgrappler (115 )
14/7/2020 17:05(em resposta à...)
You would blow your load in no time
AZBarry (0 )
14/7/2020 07:29(em resposta à...)
Agree w/ u. Both guys need to start w/ soft limp dicks on Skype for it to be a fair addition both guys can pre-arrange to not cum 1-3 days before...or maybe a group challenge on Skype!
chestertom (7)
11/7/2020 13:59(em resposta à...)
I agree boombambam - wanna put it to the test? Let’s race! Muttley592 on Skype
AZgrappler (115 )
10/7/2020 20:29I will beat any of you in a first to cum fight
Bring it boys
Chubbypinoy (0)
10/7/2020 19:06looking for anyone to challenge me in a firs to cum lose on skype
yqt wrestler (0)
12/7/2020 18:20(em resposta à...)
I challenge you too
AZgrappler (115 )
12/7/2020 18:28(em resposta à...)
I will take you down
yqt wrestler (0)
12/7/2020 18:41(em resposta à...)
I look forward to trying!
AZgrappler (115 )
13/7/2020 06:04(em resposta à...)
I love a good challenge
Arvindpark (0)
10/7/2020 19:07(em resposta à...)
I challenge you
TheBlueJustice (1 )
10/7/2020 13:03Im hard ready and strong to beat u all
Ctgrappler1 (93)
17/6/2020 12:33i will defeat all challengers ina first to cum wins match.
NYC123 (135 )
22/7/2020 02:45(em resposta à...)
I will grapevine you and cum. You will be my bitch, again
Ctgrappler1 (93)
27/7/2020 13:04(em resposta à...)
Your cock will be my cum rag bitch
AZgrappler (115 )
27/7/2020 22:24(em resposta à...)
Your body will be my cum rag loser
AZgrappler (115 )
27/7/2020 15:32(em resposta à...)
Ctgrappler1 bring it if you can boy
AZgrappler (115 )
22/7/2020 02:52(em resposta à...)
NYC 123 you will be laid out and spladled as the weak ass cummer you are
NYC123 (135 )
29/7/2020 00:06(em resposta à...)
AZgrappler. You are a pussy.
AZgrappler (115 )
29/7/2020 00:10(em resposta à...)
NYC you need a cock to compete her .....not a pussy , pussy boy 🐱
chestertom (7)
20/6/2020 02:24(em resposta à...)
I challenge you ctgrappler1
AZgrappler (115 )
17/6/2020 12:36(em resposta à...)
You will never beat me
GermanGUY (3)
14/6/2020 16:00I can cum within 20 seconds. Who wants to fight me in a Skype Cum fight? I take you any time
Dutchjohnny95 (0)
18/7/2020 10:29(em resposta à...)
I will take you, boy
AZgrappler (115 )
18/7/2020 13:59(em resposta à...)
Bring your best and you’ll still lose Dutch
GermanGUY (3)
18/7/2020 14:52(em resposta à...)
How fast can you cum
Dutchjohnny95 (0)
18/7/2020 19:04(em resposta à...)
You already know
AZgrappler (115 )
18/7/2020 19:27(em resposta à...)
Can’t wait for this Daddy to put you young boys in your place .
Don’t cry over spilt milk
GermanGUY (3)
18/7/2020 20:17(em resposta à...)
How fast can you cum daddy
chestertom (7)
19/7/2020 00:27(em resposta à...)
Faster than you
AZgrappler (115 )
19/7/2020 00:30(em resposta à...)
You wish
Bring it !
chestertom (7)
19/7/2020 00:34(em resposta à...)
Yeh, bring it - we’ll then see
AZgrappler (115 )
19/7/2020 00:49(em resposta à...)
I’m ready when you are
chestertom (7)
20/7/2020 20:15(em resposta à...)
Me too - find me on Skype- Muttley592- let’s see who is the fastest
AZgrappler (115 )
21/7/2020 05:38(em resposta à...)
Sounds good snail cum :-);
AZgrappler (115 )
18/7/2020 22:15(em resposta à...)
I guess you’ll just have to find out someday
Boxer Boy (0)
11/7/2020 00:55(em resposta à...)
You still accepting opponents?
chestertom (7)
20/6/2020 02:22(em resposta à...)
Bring it on Germanguy
Arvindpark (0)
15/6/2020 08:54(em resposta à...)
How many times can u do that in a row?