Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Training session in Manchester

GrapplingHB (355 )

05/1/2019 09:31

It's with gi and an open mat also no-gi


greekwrestler (75)

05/1/2019 09:41

(em resposta à...)

Great u have times?


bjjguynyc (11)

04/1/2019 13:41

Have fun. Wish I could be there.


GrapplingHB (355 )

03/1/2019 14:31

We will have a group training session at the weekend 2/3 February in Manchester. Only for serious skilled bjj fighters. If someone like to join us, send me a message.


judokavalenciano (5)

07/1/2019 09:14

(em resposta à...)

Would be nice to be there, but impossible. Enjoy


greekwrestler (75)

05/1/2019 08:52

(em resposta à...)

Will try to be there because there is also another event there
Blue belt prefer no gi
Will there be gi and no gi??

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