Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

South Florida training

RollingRollingRolling (25)

17/7/2022 14:48

Great news Spadle Champ. Best wishes for your BJJ addiction.BJJ with a great background in wrestling look out world! Definitely be letting you know when im in town for some Rolling - RRR


Jesse Zane (55 )

16/7/2022 20:18

I just started doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu (Gi and noGi) late last year and now that I have "the bug" - I am looking to improve my game for more competitions. If you are passing through South Florida, or are a permanent resident down here. Let's set up some training/sparring sessions. Ideally, I would like opponents close to my size but i'm for up smaller or bigger opponents too (within reason). If you are looking for sex please don't message me for a match. As I am only interested in folks who are looking to roll, learn, and help others get better on the mats. -Thanks.

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