Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Curious about BJJ

Jerzee guy (57)

04/12/2022 05:09

Can’t believe u guys in uk classes are still closed? How bad is it over there?
No schools closed here at all…
Best for u guys to get a similar stats training partner and go over moves and holds .. repeat and repeat holds each outing.


Judomonkey (76)

04/12/2022 15:29

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Classes here all back to pre covid normality - not sure why you think they’re not?


LondonMatch (0)

02/12/2022 19:10

Any more thoughts regarding this?


LondonMatch (0)

07/2/2021 13:47

I was just watching this video about the Gracie University

What do you think of it?


berimbolo (2 )

07/2/2021 19:54

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This is just a bad time to get interested/curious about BJJ unfortunately. BJJ is inherently a two-person sport. And while you could watch videos and do some very limited solo drills, and even go so far as to get a practice mannequin, it's not going to teach you enough for you to know whether this sport is for you or not.

Private lessons might be the first thing to open up in any graded opening protocol. Pre-COVID my original academy actually had one free private lesson as your first exposure, which was an excellent idea on a number of levels, imo, in terms of not only you evaluating them, but them evaluating you as a prospective member.

If you're really serious about satisfying this curiosity of yours, it will, unfortunately, have to wait depending on where you are geographically, the clubs are you, and the state of the pandemic in your area. There is absolutely no harm in sending out probing emails to your local clubs though to see what their plans are as things change.


f4leglock (11)

10/2/2021 12:31

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Great reply berimbolo, abd i agree the timing is unfortunate. And you need to go to classes or a bjj pt to see how you like it. As a relative newbie, I would say I like the technicality of the holds, and the ground based grappling. It's hard work though, and they say it's a long journey, and it sure is. Learning the holds, trying to create a chain, remembering all the moves...It's daunting. When you start, work on defence...don't worry or think about attacks. ..It's learning to survive on the bottom. One thing I have found is that I now prefer to fight from the bottom. Shrimping and frames is what it's about to start with. Good luck, and I'm sure you will enjoy it!


LondonMatch (0)

06/2/2021 13:45

I have been looking at the Gracie University ( Does anyone have experience of learning BJJ via this site?


Judomonkey (76)

31/1/2021 12:32

Whilst covid rumbles on you're unlikely to find a club that's open to train at. Training behind closed doors isn't something that clubs are going to want to publicise if they are doing it.
Similarly finding a good level teacher for 1to1 is also going to be more difficult right now...

Unless you have a patient mate to roll with I'd recommend looking at some of the body movement stuff online for now and look for a club when they open again... summer maybe.


Judoka WA (19)

31/1/2021 05:20

It would be more fun to attend a class in order to find people your level to roll with rather than a teacher that is going to be at 100km up your level (good to learn but not so fun to roll with)...


LondonMatch (0)

30/1/2021 16:04

I am curious about BJJ. Is it best to attend a class or get some one to one sessions?


Captain (5)

31/1/2021 09:13

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Class is going to be your only option. I don't know about 1-1s but I guess they will be very expensive.

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