MeetFightersGrupos de InteresseBrazilian Jiu-JitsuCar BJJ and grapplingg Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Participar deste Grupo de InteresseTópicosMembros 765Galeria 15Car BJJ and grapplingg SubWrestlers90 (2)25/10/2021 14:46 love these videos, it actually seems like alot of fun! Traduzir MadGT (240 )10/6/2021 12:12 very nice scenario Traduzir Vordele Walker 2 (74)25/5/2021 13:38 Excellent. I hope to do this one day. Traduzir musclejudo (27)11/5/2021 17:09 there s a new way 2 do BJJ and grappling - in the car - maybe its of interest for you... Traduzir Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para postar um comentário. Faça login com seu usuário e senha para criar e responder aos tópicos.
SubWrestlers90 (2)
25/10/2021 14:46love these videos, it actually seems like alot of fun!
MadGT (240 )
10/6/2021 12:12very nice scenario
Vordele Walker 2 (74)
25/5/2021 13:38Excellent. I hope to do this one day.
musclejudo (27)
11/5/2021 17:09there s a new way 2 do BJJ and grappling - in the car - maybe its of interest for you...