My goal was to stay with it and keep training through 2018... those of you who know me well know why that's a real goal. But the year is nearly done, and I'm still at it.
Pleased to hear that matey... and 2019 rolls on in the same manner I hope (at least training wise)...
I just need to take that inspiration and fix the amount of time I spend getting smashed up on a mat.
Failing miserably in those goals. So few to train with, means only a few hours a month with other guys here in my matroom down cellar – and mma schools around here don't come cheap. But the big kibosh has been the two bouts of cancer in or near the left shoulder.
Wish u the best for a complete and full recovery. Some BJJ schools may have free open mat sessions at times or good introductory promotions. They should have a senior discount as this is an untapped (excuse the pub) market. Thanks
Had one school nearby (30 min walk or so) tell me they didn't want anyone over 65 or so unless he already had an advanced belt (place now out of business). Guess my 76 makes me a fossil. That could be the attitude of local site members as well. Closest was a couple TKD guys (another site) wanting to try wrestling) It was obvious they were TKD; and it was easy to own them on the mat (classified, as to how except to those willing to mma guys who want to train with me) – even the guy I didn't know was a black belt until it was all over.
To be able to find local guys to practice with, as commercial facilities are too costly for me. Have a well padded place here at the house, sorrowfully underutilized. So far no luck finding any local guys to learn/train with
Yet for even a nibble – either (1) Guys put BJJ in their profiles to look impressive, but do not do it, (2) Do not use Internet to find training partners, (3) Are like that nearby school (now out of business) that would not take on a guy my age unless I already had an advanced belt. [At least they didn't take my $$$ and run :) ]
While many might put BJJ and other styles in their profile (i.e,folkstyle, freestyle etc and there are very few here who know what that style really means) many of us put down BJJ because they did it at one time or another and some of us actually do it. I generally try to go to BJJ classes the first 6 days of every week (Sun-Fri) and I do know if some others here that really do train BJJ. One thing I look for in profile if it is shows any action photos in a public environment with others in the background also engaged being a positive note as well. Though I have run in to several prospective opponents who started to back out the moment they realized that we would be practicing at an open mat session here all levels are welcomed and is much safer than a hotel room. The shame is that in the 29th largest Metro area in the U S (Las Vegas) that only very few here from the site do BJJ and most here shy away from real wrestling a well and only do the pre-scripted stuff deciding ahead who will win or lose.
Wonder if the open mat thing is primarily a Las Vegas thing and done to try to sign up more customers, or whether it's done elsewhere. Never heard of anything like that locally other than the one or two free lessons promo thing. Or is the Las Vegas thing an 'invitation only' thing where existing members can invite a guest for the open mats session(s)?
Hafta be a redass here---but jus take a look at my pics (first two to right of verification pic were taken this week, most of others in 2017) THEN tell me I'm too old to do this stuff. :)
I assume open mat means paid members and a guest is welcome. I find it hard to think that any Joe Blos (such as I) can walk in off the street and engage. That's what I was thinking in terms of open mat. I'd think that could be abused and any proprietor would be a bit wary as it doesn't pay the bills for the place?
I would like to do better when on defense in mount and side control...lose some stronger and more muscular and not miss evening classes, which so far at the new location is being achieved...find a training partner to work one on one with me as cannot afford privates
Focus and find more time for jiu jitsu. As a recent blue belt my goals are pretty simple stick with it! Start defining my "game" and putting the puzzle pieces together, layered attacks, persuasive jiu jitsu as my professor calls it. Complete a 1000 rep challenge. Continue weight loss, cardio fitness and strength training. Add more takedowns to my toolbox. In this distant future...I see purple!
redlandguy (199)
12/11/2018 07:18My goal was to stay with it and keep training through 2018... those of you who know me well know why that's a real goal. But the year is nearly done, and I'm still at it.
Judomonkey (76)
13/11/2018 22:06(em resposta à...)
Pleased to hear that matey... and 2019 rolls on in the same manner I hope (at least training wise)...
I just need to take that inspiration and fix the amount of time I spend getting smashed up on a mat.
Spruceman (55)
08/10/2018 00:41Failing miserably in those goals. So few to train with, means only a few hours a month with other guys here in my matroom down cellar – and mma schools around here don't come cheap. But the big kibosh has been the two bouts of cancer in or near the left shoulder.
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
08/10/2018 01:10(em resposta à...)
Wish u the best for a complete and full recovery. Some BJJ schools may have free open mat sessions at times or good introductory promotions. They should have a senior discount as this is an untapped (excuse the pub) market. Thanks
Spruceman (55)
08/10/2018 01:47(em resposta à...)
Had one school nearby (30 min walk or so) tell me they didn't want anyone over 65 or so unless he already had an advanced belt (place now out of business). Guess my 76 makes me a fossil. That could be the attitude of local site members as well. Closest was a couple TKD guys (another site) wanting to try wrestling) It was obvious they were TKD; and it was easy to own them on the mat (classified, as to how except to those willing to mma guys who want to train with me) – even the guy I didn't know was a black belt until it was all over.
Batterysentinel (7)
16/8/2018 07:07To get back into shape and compete again near the end or in early 2019.
IndyWarrior (38 )
09/6/2018 16:54Catch up with the leg lock game explosion.
Spruceman (55)
22/4/2018 14:43To be able to find local guys to practice with, as commercial facilities are too costly for me. Have a well padded place here at the house, sorrowfully underutilized. So far no luck finding any local guys to learn/train with
Spruceman (55)
10/6/2018 03:19(em resposta à...)
Yet for even a nibble – either (1) Guys put BJJ in their profiles to look impressive, but do not do it, (2) Do not use Internet to find training partners, (3) Are like that nearby school (now out of business) that would not take on a guy my age unless I already had an advanced belt. [At least they didn't take my $$$ and run :) ]
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
10/6/2018 10:40(em resposta à...)
While many might put BJJ and other styles in their profile (i.e,folkstyle, freestyle etc and there are very few here who know what that style really means) many of us put down BJJ because they did it at one time or another and some of us actually do it. I generally try to go to BJJ classes the first 6 days of every week (Sun-Fri) and I do know if some others here that really do train BJJ. One thing I look for in profile if it is shows any action photos in a public environment with others in the background also engaged being a positive note as well. Though I have run in to several prospective opponents who started to back out the moment they realized that we would be practicing at an open mat session here all levels are welcomed and is much safer than a hotel room. The shame is that in the 29th largest Metro area in the U S (Las Vegas) that only very few here from the site do BJJ and most here shy away from real wrestling a well and only do the pre-scripted stuff deciding ahead who will win or lose.
Spruceman (55)
10/11/2018 17:20(em resposta à...)
Wonder if the open mat thing is primarily a Las Vegas thing and done to try to sign up more customers, or whether it's done elsewhere. Never heard of anything like that locally other than the one or two free lessons promo thing. Or is the Las Vegas thing an 'invitation only' thing where existing members can invite a guest for the open mats session(s)?
TxWrestle (48 )
11/11/2018 15:45(em resposta à...)
Open mats are common across the country. Here in Austin you can go to multiple open mats 7 days week.
Spruceman (55)
10/6/2018 03:35(em resposta à...)
Hafta be a redass here---but jus take a look at my pics (first two to right of verification pic were taken this week, most of others in 2017) THEN tell me I'm too old to do this stuff. :)
Spruceman (55)
11/11/2018 16:28(em resposta à...)
I assume open mat means paid members and a guest is welcome. I find it hard to think that any Joe Blos (such as I) can walk in off the street and engage. That's what I was thinking in terms of open mat. I'd think that could be abused and any proprietor would be a bit wary as it doesn't pay the bills for the place?
Syrwrestler (69)
07/1/2018 16:19To be able to last a minute against a black belt!
BJJWrestlerLasVegas (14)
07/1/2018 05:15I would like to do better when on defense in mount and side control...lose some stronger and more muscular and not miss evening classes, which so far at the new location is being achieved...find a training partner to work one on one with me as cannot afford privates
Man2ManHky (27 )
06/1/2018 14:55Focus and find more time for jiu jitsu. As a recent blue belt my goals are pretty simple stick with it! Start defining my "game" and putting the puzzle pieces together, layered attacks, persuasive jiu jitsu as my professor calls it. Complete a 1000 rep challenge. Continue weight loss, cardio fitness and strength training. Add more takedowns to my toolbox. In this distant future...I see purple!
bjjguynyc (11)
06/1/2018 14:46What are you BJJ goals for 2018?