

hookuppercut (26)

13/10/2018 16:17

Now that I have a coach and gym, I spar once a week. Everyone is younger than me(usually 18-22, with one 38 y/o). I haven’t had any problems with egos or anyone trying prove something. It’s a matter of making each other better to get match ready.


ChiBox (33 )

12/10/2018 07:43

I would not worry about giving up 6" of height if the opponent was within 10-15lbs of my weight. I'm 5'11" and currently about 195, regularly box guys kinda close to me in age that run in the 230-270lb range..tallest is about 6'3". Height is not significant, if you are evenly matched in weight, age, experience & conditioning.

Giving up 100lbs of weight is ridiculous. I've done it a few times in sparring sessions but only when I knew I was in much better shape, much faster and more experience that the guy I was boxing. Old, heavy, slow guys can still hit extremely hard (power is the last thing an aging figher loses).


BilBeaux (0)

12/10/2018 03:46

Not talking about newbie sparring partner going against a seasoned pro.

I was always told to not to box with someone 6 inches taller than you or more than 100 pounds heavier.
Reach and punch power issues, I guess.
Though a lot you of potential boxers are 6’ to 6’8” - it is hard for my old mind to contemplate really tall guys boxing.
(Then again I was a big Vonda Ward fan!)

We never hear about the 5’4” or 5’5” fighters here on MF unless they get good reviews.
Would love to hear from shorter boxers on what they look for in a sparring partner.

Age should be over 18 - though thru mistakes of my own - I boxed with a 14 year old when I was 21 or 22. A couple years later with 2 18 year co-workers.
When I was younger - would have never thought of sparring with someone over 50 - “they were OLD!!!”.
Now they are a curiosity.
Most in far, far better shape than I.

Who is boxing and over 70?

Thanks for your comments and replies!


country (25)

14/10/2018 01:04

(em resposta à...)

Boxing and 70 in two weeks....a couple of farm accidents have kept me out of more intense competition but hope to be back at it soon...spar weekly with young boxers...appreciate their willingness

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