U have huge crush on Ringerohr. Very nice man who understands my situation and always kept me going while I was receiving in the hospital. He a is perfect smart compassion and empathy in one fighter.
Many years ago - I came across numerous high school and collegiate wrestlers.
I lived in states where collegiate-style wrestling was very popular.
Trying to persuade several to box was tough. They all thought that boxing would really hurt them.
It was funny to hear that from guys who trained for man on man competitive sport.
This was before mma and ufc came on the scene.
I was luckily latter to have sparred with 2 wrestlers - in different cities, different times.
Ironically - both were gay. Had good times with both - though I am not gay. Have found that gay wrestlers and boxers are more fun to spar with.
Some of my favourite opponents are wrestler-boxers.
Ringerohr in Germany really went at me with all guns blazing over a few rounds. He said he hadn't been boxing long, but he showed power, speed, ringcraft and a great chin. As he said in his recommendation, we had a real fight. You can see in his pics how well-conditioned he is.
fig4man in LA has been boxing for years, but is also a wrestler. He loves to use his strength to get me against the ropes whereas I try to move around and pepper him with punches. Sometimes it works for me, sometimes it doesn't. He and I are always up for a good hard fight with each other.
redlandguy is a top wrestler who is also a challenging opponent in boxing, using his reach and punching power to excellent effect. Even if a short guy like me slips under his range punches (and he has a very long reach) to work his body his tremendous core strength means this is an uphill battle as well.
muscstud in KY and I haven't been able to meet yet, but we both know we'll have an epic fight. We are completely in sync about what we're going to do in that ring!
I used to wrestle and even met my first bf through it, but boxing completely took over when I first walked into a boxing gym and took my first class. I got a sense of making progress and getting better, my trainer was both excellent and hot, and about a year after that I met, fought and fell in love with Harborfighter, sealing my commitment to boxing.
That said, I have plenty of time for wrestlers who accept that boxing involves head shots and who are prepared to get properly trained to take it on. Harbor and I would be happy to work with anyone who subscribes to that.
Great topic.
Rocket (3 )
18/4/2018 07:59U have huge crush on Ringerohr. Very nice man who understands my situation and always kept me going while I was receiving in the hospital. He a is perfect smart compassion and empathy in one fighter.
BilBeaux (0)
18/4/2018 00:37Many years ago - I came across numerous high school and collegiate wrestlers.
I lived in states where collegiate-style wrestling was very popular.
Trying to persuade several to box was tough. They all thought that boxing would really hurt them.
It was funny to hear that from guys who trained for man on man competitive sport.
This was before mma and ufc came on the scene.
I was luckily latter to have sparred with 2 wrestlers - in different cities, different times.
Ironically - both were gay. Had good times with both - though I am not gay. Have found that gay wrestlers and boxers are more fun to spar with.
BilBeaux (0)
18/4/2018 01:52(em resposta à...)
Typo in my headline.
Getting WRESTLERS to box is what I meant.
There are so many big guy wrestlers here - whom I would love to see in gloves and boxing.
AussieBoxer (47 )
18/4/2018 05:33(em resposta à...)
Some of my favourite opponents are wrestler-boxers.
Ringerohr in Germany really went at me with all guns blazing over a few rounds. He said he hadn't been boxing long, but he showed power, speed, ringcraft and a great chin. As he said in his recommendation, we had a real fight. You can see in his pics how well-conditioned he is.
fig4man in LA has been boxing for years, but is also a wrestler. He loves to use his strength to get me against the ropes whereas I try to move around and pepper him with punches. Sometimes it works for me, sometimes it doesn't. He and I are always up for a good hard fight with each other.
redlandguy is a top wrestler who is also a challenging opponent in boxing, using his reach and punching power to excellent effect. Even if a short guy like me slips under his range punches (and he has a very long reach) to work his body his tremendous core strength means this is an uphill battle as well.
muscstud in KY and I haven't been able to meet yet, but we both know we'll have an epic fight. We are completely in sync about what we're going to do in that ring!
I used to wrestle and even met my first bf through it, but boxing completely took over when I first walked into a boxing gym and took my first class. I got a sense of making progress and getting better, my trainer was both excellent and hot, and about a year after that I met, fought and fell in love with Harborfighter, sealing my commitment to boxing.
That said, I have plenty of time for wrestlers who accept that boxing involves head shots and who are prepared to get properly trained to take it on. Harbor and I would be happy to work with anyone who subscribes to that.
Great topic.