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REfighter VS Gillehenn

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Submission Submission
Vale-Tudo Vale-Tudo
Kickboxing / Muay thai Kickboxing / Muay thai

Comentários 5

GuidingLight (88)

7 dias atrás

As both of you are skilled in several styles, what kind of match will you have?


REfighter (19)

7 dias atrás

(em resposta à...)


We will go several rounds.
kickboxing/ muay thai
And GP

MMA square cuts or muay thai shorts

Barefooz, shirtless
MMA gloves


REfighter (19)

13 dias atrás

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Gillehenn (2)

13 dias atrás

I have agreed to meet on 09.5.2024.


REfighter (19)

13 dias atrás

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