the123champ VS Northernbeef65

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Estados Unidos - South Carolina
Aiken County

Olímpica / Greco-Romana Olímpica / Greco-Romana
Submission Submission
Luta-Livre Profissional Luta-Livre Profissional

Comentários 4

Northernbeef65 (18 )

17 dias atrás

Challenge accepted - three days of wrestling... let's see who comes out on top.
And let's see which of us really does kick the other's ass...
Pins, submissions and any other contest you want to go at.
Bring it on.


Northernbeef65 (18 )

17 dias atrás

I have agreed to meet on 5/09/2024.


the123champ (23)

17 dias atrás

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Northernbeef65 (18 )

11 dias atrás

(em resposta à...)

Let's do it....
