I would suggest you just make a list and post it in your clubs here.
I don't know why BG still sells their porduct on DVD. I won't buy from them for that very reason, but I guess they still have enough customers, otherwise they would change.
I have some bgeaast wrestling dvds i want to sell as i dont have a dvd player any more but where can i sell them. I have put an advert on ebay but only had one view in a week and cannot use certain words in the advert
One thing prospective US buyers should note – are these DVDs region-specific? If so, and set up for the European standard, they won't play in a North American DVD player.
cyclone74 (33)
16 horas atrásI have plenty of them
highflyeral (11)
8 horas atrás(em resposta à...)
You selling any?
Buster24 (0)
8 horas atrás(em resposta à...)
please contact me if you have Ball Bash with Kid Vicious and Derek Dasilva....I want to own that DVD
The Darknight (5)
2 dias atrásJust to say they have all done now
The Darknight (5)
29 dias atráseBay item number:167142640800
BG EAST X fights UK 4 wrestling DVD
Buster24 (0)
29/11/2024 19:14Want to buy a copy of BG East's Ball Bash with Kid Vicious and Derek DaSilva.....Hope somebody has a copy1
The Darknight (5)
27/11/2024 03:05eBay item number:167120368583 Undagear 12
expat (5 )
26/11/2024 16:15I would suggest you just make a list and post it in your clubs here.
I don't know why BG still sells their porduct on DVD. I won't buy from them for that very reason, but I guess they still have enough customers, otherwise they would change.
The Darknight (5)
23/11/2024 17:29I have some bgeaast wrestling dvds i want to sell as i dont have a dvd player any more but where can i sell them. I have put an advert on ebay but only had one view in a week and cannot use certain words in the advert
grappling hooked (32)
29/11/2024 23:53(em resposta à...)
One thing prospective US buyers should note – are these DVDs region-specific? If so, and set up for the European standard, they won't play in a North American DVD player.
The Darknight (5)
29 dias atrás(em resposta à...)
I do not know but i thought BG east were a US company
grappling hooked (32)
29 dias atrás(em resposta à...)
They are. But you're in the UK, right?
Indrslr (7)
25/11/2024 16:39(em resposta à...)
Which ones do you have?
nofabio (12)
24/11/2024 15:45(em resposta à...)
Which dvds to you have for sale? Definitely interested- still have a dvd!! 😁 JIM