Required - MC (Master of Ceremonies) for a filmed WoS style tag team match in London.

Stephenphoto (7)

17/6/2024 08:50


Required - MC (Master of Ceremonies) for a filmed WoS style tag team match in London.

I've lined up the Walthamstow venue on Thu 18 July (1200-1400) to film a male tag team matches, recreating the old school WoS style.

Teams entering the ring, being introduced by an MC, spoken to by the Ref (who will need to control the rule bending team), announcements after a pin/submission and final result.

I've provisionally got the gents to form the two teams, and a Referee, but what I'm also looking for is a MC.

The MC (hopefully in jacket/bow tie), will be integral for the pre match, mid match and post match announcements.

I'm hoping to film at least one long match on the day of around 30-40min duration. But it will be longer as the match outcome will be decided and sorted beforehand.

I'm planning on a two or three camera shoot, and the finished product will be going on my Watchfighters Video page for sale.

However participants will get some free content too from the day.

Anyone interested in being involved (MC), do let me know, with any experience details if possible.

Those people chosen will be subsequently added to a WhatsApp group containing all participants. This is so I can communicate with everyone in one go, with any further details leading up to and on the day.

I have no idea of many (if any) responses this will generate, but all I ask is -

1. Only reply if you are serious about attending and can attend, if so on the day and time stated.
2. Although I'm happy to answer questions, the basic info is all ready written above.
3. No replies in text speak or one liners (they will be deleted).


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