busted open's blog

Hello everyone - just a note to those who have commented favorably on the style of trunks I enjoy wearing. Please note that I have nothing to do with the company who makes them for me but wanted everyone to know about the great work they do. They've always provided me with a great product. They also can send them any old worn out suit that fits you and create a pattern for it at nominal cost. They'll then offer you an ever changing plethora of colours and patterns to choose from. With or without liners and drawstrings. You can customize it any way you want. The website is as follows:


Última edição em 28/2/2018 06:48 por busted open; 1 comentário(s)
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Old school heels

What I liked about old school heels was that the best ones enjoyed being evil. Enjoyed watching Killer Karl Cox repeatedly bite away at his opponents forehead until it was a bloody mess or a wrestler concealing a foreign object as the fans screamed at the ref. You knew he was going to use it and it was only a matter of when. I also enjoyed the idea that the heel enjoyed being sadistic and brutal that his opponent was unaware of the evil he was about to be subjected to. Those cheating heels that would brutalize an opponent long past what was required to pin him and focused on using dirty tactics more often than holds. Far more interested in working him over than winning. Those are the heels that got me going and made me a fan of wrestling forever

Última edição em 03/4/2016 22:13 por busted open; 8 comentário(s)
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Dirty Tactics

Love pro wrestling with a brawling style heel who spends most of his match using dirty tactics rather than actually wrestling. Biting, gouging, chokes / strangles, mouth hooks, thumb to the throat. Even better when the tactics are used again and again to torture the opponent. The more unfair it gets the better I like it.

Última edição em 30/12/2015 07:08 por busted open; 4 comentário(s)
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Always a big fan of the old school heels that liked to use a foreign object to work their opponent over, bust open their forehead, and then work away at it all match to keep it flowing.....nothing better than a bloodthirsty heel with an object in his boot....mix in a some gouging, choking and biting and you've described my favorite match

Última edição em 11/5/2015 19:58 por busted open; 5 comentário(s)
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