averagejoe's blog

Thunderdome 2021

No Thunderdome in July, 2021.
Since a bunch of guys have already asked, I am posting here to let everyone know that Thunderdome will be cancelled a second year in a row due to the continuing presence of the Covid virus. Even if things improve very quickly over the next few months, it will not be fast enough to put the event together and ensure the safety of all attendees. This sucks because I Iook forward to having you all here every July, and I know many of you look forward to participating.
As things stand now, I have every expectation that Thunderdome will happen again in July of 2022 (8th - 11th). So please count on it.
My best to all, Joe

Última edição em 07/4/2021 20:28 por averagejoe; 18 comentário(s)
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Hi Guys-

I am writing this blog to let you know that I will not be hosting Thunderdome this summer.

Many of you have expressed hopes that T-Dome VIII will still be taking place this July, but the current uncertainty in the projected duration of the Corona Virus pandemic makes committing to holding this event impossible.  If I was definitely moving forward, I would need to be entering into contracts with vendors and service providers at this time, just as many of you would need to start thinking about travel arrangements and lodging.  There is just no way to know, or even predict, what the status of this health crisis will be come July.  And given that the nature of our beloved sport inherently precludes "social distancing", it's just not going to work.

You know how much I love hosting this event, and, of course, getting together with all of you, so you must also know that this was not an easy decision for me to make.  Please note that I have every intention of hosting Thunderdome in July of 2021.

I send my hopes that you are all healthy and faring well, or at least muddling through, in these strange and uncertain times.


Última edição em 27/3/2020 23:09 por averagejoe; 10 comentário(s)
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Bigger and Better

July is rapidly sneaking up on us. And with it, T-dome 7. I am pretty psyched. You should get psyched too.
If you haven't done so already, take a second right now to sign up - you can do so under Events on this site.
If you wanna come but just aren't sure yet, or are intrigued but uncommitted, or are simply wishy-washy by nature, sign up under the "uncertain" category.
If you have questions about lodging, food, donations, ride share, room share, whatever, they will no doubt be answered in the April newsletter, but you should feel free to go ahead and ask anyway - might even motivate me to get the newsletter out faster....:)
If you've been before, you know how good it is - so please spread the word.
Looking forward to some serious fun in the sun; and to seeing a whole bunch of you there.

Última edição em 15/3/2019 19:28 por averagejoe; 4 comentário(s)
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Awesome news. This my last blog entry for Thunderdome. Yeah, I know, "and there was much rejoicing".....LMAO.

Anyway, as of right now, we have 65 guys coming to some or all of Thunderdome. Gonna be some awesome wrestling, a whole lot of fun in the sun, beautiful and relaxing summer nights filled with music, comeraderie, and whatever the social winds blow our way...oh, and did I mention awesome wrestling?

I am so psyched to have so many of my best buds gathered in the same place. If you are coming, you will have a blast. That's a promise. If you are still deciding, this evening you received a personal email from your host. Be sure to check for it.

Cannot wait to see you all. My best to everybody,


Última edição em 07/7/2018 01:27 por averagejoe; 12 comentário(s)
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Two weeks to Thunderdome guys. I am so ready. Hope you are too.
As of right now, we have 62 guys signed up as definite, and another 70 who are maybe, uncertain, not sure yet, or just plain wishy-washy. What's up with that you on the fence guys? And yeah, you know who you are. You know I do....LOL.
Some guys will come for a day. Some for all four. Some for something in betweeen. Heck, I've already got a few that want to come for even longer, to include one who offered to move in until fall.....:)
So here's the deal. If you are on the fence, don't miss this. This is going to be amazing. And, kind of like Woodstock, it's going to be one of those events where if you weren't there, years from now, you'll be telling any wrestler that will listen that you were. So just be there instead. Much, much easier that way....:)
So take a moment right now to sign up, or move into the "participating" category, or otherwise indicate your desire to be a part of this. That way, I can get you all the relevant info now, instead of when I'm buried in last minute preparation.
And please know this: if you're a wrestler, at any level, we want you there, and there are a whole bunch of wrestlers who can't wait to roll with you.
My best to all, so psyched that I'm gonna have so many of my buds in one place.

Última edição em 29/6/2018 11:50 por averagejoe; 1 comentário(s)
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Time flies

Only four weeks. Pumped as hell.
Can't wait to see and/or roll with all you guys.
Some new friends, and a bunch of old ones.
This is gonna be awesome.

Última edição em 16/6/2018 01:50 por averagejoe; 10 comentário(s)
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Getting Closer

Psyched that the most recent Thunderdome info letter went out today.
Even more psyched that it went to:
- 58 guys that are definitely coming
- approximately 70 guys that are thinking about it and/or uncertain.
Think this is going to be an amazing wrestling weekend.

If you are in one of those two groups, look for the newsletter. There is information I need back from you.

If you are not in one of those groups, but feel you should be, or would like to be, please let me know.

Best to everybody. And good wrestling to all.
Damn am I getting pumped up.....:)

Última edição em 08/6/2018 19:05 por averagejoe; 0 comentário(s)
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Damn, so hot!!!

Or it will be, come mid-July, but hey, I just got you to open this blog post.....:)

Yo guys, it is exactly six weeks to Thunderdome (July 13 - July 16). If you haven't signed up yet, you should do it now. If you are languishing in the "uncertain" category, man up and move yourself to "participant" already....:)
And if you got a notice about this blog post, and aren't signed up anywhere, you are forbidden from reading any further....lol.

Next info email is probably coming out this weekend. There have been questions about ride sharing, tent sharing, hotel sharing, adding other wrestling styles, etc., and all kinds of other exciting new developments, so please keep an eye out for it. If you are not already receiving emails about the event, please shoot me your email quickly, and I can add you to the distribution list.

Attendee update: now have 51 guys confirmed as coming, 2 listed as very likely, and another 59 listed as possible. This is going to be amazing. Can't wait to have so many of my wrestling buds gathered in one place.

If you need more info, go to Thunderdome VI under events on this site, or visit www.thunderdome.boston.

Última edição em 01/6/2018 23:48 por averagejoe; 6 comentário(s)
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Eight weeks until Thunderdome VI.

As things stand now, there are 44 wrestlers listed as attending some or all of this four day event, and there another 61 thinking about it. Can you say big time wrestling party? Can you say you are now one of them? Sure hope so, because this is going to be an over-the-top good time. So if you haven't responded to the newsletters yet, now would be a good time. If you are still in the "uncertain" category, now would be a great time to throw caution to the wind and move yourself up to "participant".

And I also need a favor: for last minute contact and information purposes, it is helpful to have everyone's cell number. Amongst other reasons, if you need to reach me last minute, please know that I don't answer calls my phone doesn't recognize. So if you think I may not have your number, send it as a message to my profile here, or to [email protected] (for privacy reasons, I would not send it as a response to this blog). If you are not sure if you've given it to me, check your phone: if you don't have my number, odds are I don't have yours either.

There will be a couple more newsletters to everyone on the email list (if you aren't already getting them, send me your email), but wanted to re-iterate: any questions or needs for additional information, please ask away.

Am so looking forward to this. Hoping you are too.

Última edição em 17/5/2018 03:39 por averagejoe; 2 comentário(s)
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Thundersome is coming guys.
July 13 - July 16.
We are looking at a record crowd of attendees - and it is an awesome group of guys. If you believe that you're awesome, then you had better be one of them.....:)
If you are reading this, and are not yet signed up on this site, you are completely falling down on life, LOL.
If you need more info, just ask me. Also, take a look at www.thunderdome.boston.
Be thinking about sun drenched, sweaty days full of all the wrestling you can handle, mild and fun-filled summer nights, a hot match followed by a refreshing dip, good fellowship, great music led by talented musicians, wrestling, wrestling, and even more wrestling.
Good food, good drink, good friends.....good times.
If you plan to be somewhere else, you're nuts....:)

Última edição em 24/4/2018 13:52 por averagejoe; 10 comentário(s)
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