TexasSlim's blog

My introduction to wrestling was when I was 12 years old and in 7th grade.  During the school year we would have several weeks of various sports during gym. 4 weeks of football in fall, 3 weeks of baseball & 3 of soccer in Spring. I was well coordinated and did well in the team sports.   I wasn't a star but was second tier in virtually all of them, mostly due to my small stature and lack of muscle.

Winter (right after Christmas break we had 4 weeks of wrestling. A sport where I stood alone in front of  my peers.  Facing one other individual.    The coach paired Joe & I off for practice and later for actual matches. We were the 2   smallest in the class.  I only weighed about 70-75 pounds.And  I was  maybe 5-10 pounds heavier than he.

7th grade started with basic rules and learning standard moves from the referees  position.  For 2 weeks we would practice additional moves and scrimmage with our partner.  I quickly learned how physically strong Joe was.  Rarely took him long to gain the upper hand on me.  I did not react quickly enough nor was I strong enough to counter his moves.  Once he realized how easily he dominated me,  Joe let up a bit and allowed me to control him on occasion.....until he was ready to take command again.  The entire class was practicing across the mat at the same time.   No one was paying attention to the others around, too busy with their own activity.   Was fun for me especially when Joe and I the became good friends.

Once we started individual matches it was just 2 of us centered in the mat with 2 dozen sets of eyes watching.  Suddenly I felt naked and alone.  Tried to calm my jitters by telling myself this was just like scrimmage....but it wasn't. A match was 3, 2minute rounds.   7th & 8th grade we started from the referee position, 9th thru 12th from on our feet.  

From the opening whistle, Joe came after me like  a momma bear protecting her baby.  All of a sudden he was exceedingly quick, and  much more aggressive than I was expecting.  .  If I was "down" he had me me prostrate, pushed into the  mat and all of his weight was centered on my back at the sound of the whistle. He was in control, Sometimes he would work my shoulders and face.  Making sure that he dragged my face across the mat, leaving it red and sometime a bit raw.

  Other days he would work my arms around to my back and inflict pain by squeezing my shoulder  blades together.  Once he was satisfied with his domination I'd find myself flipped over on my back, flopping like a fish out of water.   I'd try a bridge,or rolling against his weight, swinging my legs, trying to hook his legs and prevent him from planting my shoulders on the mat.  3 seconds came fast..Coach's whistle told me that I lost another match.  No surprise there. 

  When I was starting in top position, I could rarely counter his move to get out from under me and gain the  point for an escape.   I was not aggressive enough to drive him forward as he usually did to me.  I tried hanging on by wrapping my arms around his waist.  He was strong enough to standup on me and duck & twist out of my grasp leaving me off balance and hanging on to nothing but air.    Rarely was I able to stay on the offensive. 

Standing I always charged him low trying to wrap up his legs ....the only move I had any confidence in.  I was not strong enough to go after his shoulders and chest. Once in a while I'd find my arms tightly wrapped around his legs, I'd drive my shoulder into his thighs and knock him off balance.  Gave me satisfaction to have some offensive  success.  .

Initially I was apprehensive on  the days I knew that I would have a match.  I recognized  the manhandling I was about to endure .I knew how helpless and unskilled I was going to appear before my classmates.  Embarrassment from hearing their conversations was worse than consistently losing.

But damned if he didn't kick my ass every time we had an actual match. He was so much stronger than I. Never took him more than about 2 minutes to pin me, even when I started from top position. BUT, I loved it, the way he threw me around and controlled my every move. I'd struggle and use every muscle trying to hold him off & prevent the inevitable.....He always won, And frequently while trying to fight him off I'd be straining so hard against his strength that I'd find myself spasming and cumming in my jock.    I'd  have a jock strap full of cum from trying to hold him off.....I  looked forward to it,   Once in a while my cum would  soak right thru my jock and shorts....like a Scarlet Letter the wet spot would stand out for all to see.   We were in the same gym class from 7th thru 9th grade  The routine varied only slightly.  .Imagine my disappointment when in 10th grade Joe moved .<sigh> The good old days.

This life experience set me up to be a lifetime "jobber".   Never taking the lead and actually enjoying second place.

Última edição em 11/9/2020 22:42 por TexasSlim; 1 comentário(s)
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