Slim 66's blog

Both Quincy and Mike began looking through their collection of gear Finally , Mike found a blue pair of Speedos.
"You, like?" , Mike asked
Quincy began smiling, " Heck , yeah!"
Meanwhile, Quincy found a pair of black Speedos.
" Those fit you well, sir, " Mike. said.
" Thank you," replied Quincy.
"I will into the bathroom and change", said Mike cheerfully.
" I will go into the bedroom," said Quincy.
They both go and change into their gear
Two minutes later, Mike opens the bathroom door and says" I am ready."
" Just a moment," said Quincy
Quincy exits the bedroom.
They look at each other
"Those speedos fit you right," said Mike.
Quincy smiles" Yours does, too"
They both start laughing.
They begin heading towards the mat.
" You want to start standing or kneeling,?" asked Mike.
" Kneeling please. I don't have too much room here, "said Quincy.
" Agreed"
They kneel at the center of the mat.
" Submission? asked Mike.
Quincy smiling.. " Yes, submission."
They shake hands and start wrestling.
Mike goes for a snap down; however, Quincy is too strong.
Quincy goes for a guillotine , but Mike barely avoids it.. They begin to lockup and Mike catches Quincy in a headlock and takedown . Mike gets behind him and goes for a rear neck choke , but Quincy stops. Mike goes for a full Nelson while Quincy is on his stomach Mike fastens the nelson and begins to ride Quincy. Mike places his left hand around Quincy's neck.
Quincy gives up his back. Mike places the other hand around Quincy's neck and now has Quincy in his grasp. Finally, Mike wraps his legs around Quincy and tightens the scissors around Quincy's waist. Quincy tries to escape, but Mike tightens the grip until Quincy is gasping for air. Quincy taps Mike's right arm. Mike releases the grip.
"Are you alright ?" asked Mike.
"I am " replied Quincy.. " There was a good choke, man"
"I appreciate it"
Round Two
Quincy and Mike turns to the center of the mat. Both are in neutral position. Mike lunges for Quincy. However, he gets behind Mike and put him on his belly. Quincy uses his weight to keep Mike on his belly. Quincy straddles legs in the side of Mike's body. Quincy then takes Mike's left arm and try to a chicken wing. There is a struggle at first, but Quincy finally secures Mike's arm and places against his back. Quincy begins to gradually apply pressure.. Finally, Mike begins tapping his right hand on the mat twice. Quincy releases the hold and dismounts himself from Mike's back. Mike begins to stretch his arm.
" Are you alright?" , Quincy asked
" Yeah, I am alright, " Mike replied
Mike gets up slowly from. the mat.
" That was a good chicken wing, ".
" Thanks, man." , answered Mike.
" Final round., buddy", said Quincy.
" Final round. ".
They shake hands
Round Three
Quincy and Mike lunge for each other. Suddenly, Mike places Quincy in a tight bearhug. Quincy reacts by doing the same. Suddenly, they begin rolling around on the mats. Mike ends up. on top and starts going for Quincy's left arm. There is a struggle between the two. Slowly, Mike begins to gain control of Quincy's arm and slowly begins to take control. Quincy is resisting or Mike takes total control of Quincy's arm and completes an. arm bar. Mike slowly applies pressure. Quincy tries to escape, but can't. Finally, Quincy taps out.
Mike releases the armbar.
" Congratulations, man," said Quincy. He extends his hand to Mike
Mike takes his hand and shake it.
" Thanks, Quincy."
"How do we break this tie, Mike?"
"What do you suggest,?" asked Mike.

Última edição em 20/11/2023 03:10 por Slim 66; 6 comentário(s)
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Quincy looks at Mike and says: " Could you let an old man stretch?"and the
Mike begins laughing.
" You are not an old man,"
" Thanks, man"
Both men begin stretching.

Quincy begins thinking to himself . ' This young man is thirty years my junior. He is 25 years old. He wrestled in high school and college He is strong and very energetic. Do I have the stamina and the strength? "
Meanwhile, Mike was thinking. " Can I take down this bigger guy? He has the experience and the patience? He maybe 55, but he looks 45."

" Are you ready?" asked Mike.
" I stay ready," said Quincy.
" Let's wrestle."
They get up and approach the center of the mat. They shake hands .
Round One
They begin to circle the mat and Mike attempts a double leg tackle. Quincy sprawls. Quincy manages to get behind Mike and places him in a chicken wing. Mike starts struggling , but Quincy continues to apply pressure. Mike finally succumbs and is pinned by Quincy.
Quincy stand up and helps up Mike.
" Good match, Mike, '
" You too, Q"
Round Two
Both men circle the center of the mats.. Mike does a shoe string tackle. This forces Quincy to lose his balance. There is a struggle for position and Mike manages to get on top. and he mounts Quincy. He begins to grapevine Quincy's legs and Mike secures it with a tight bear hug around Quincy. Mike position himself to place himself on Quincy manhood..He begins lightly grinding on him.Mike intensifies the hold until Quincy's shoulders are on the mats.
" Nice move, fire plug" said Quincy.
" Thanks, Quincy. '
Mike helps Quincy up from the mat.
" Round three,',said Mike
" Final round," said Quincy.
Round Three
Quincy and Mike circle each other. Mike manages to do a double leg tackle on Quincy. He manages to get behind Quincy and places him. in a tight bear hug. Quincy some how manages to pry Mike's hands apart and gets behind Mike. He takes down Mike and places him on his belly. Quincy begins to ride him and places Mike in a chicken wing. Mike tries resisting and gradually Quincy turns Mike on his back and pins him.
Both guys are very sweaty and their singlets.
" That was an intense match, " Mike.
" Very intense,," said Quincy.
Quincy gets up and helps Mike from the mat.
" You won that one ,
Treehouse" said Mike.
" It wasn't easy, Powerhouse, " said Quincy.
"Now, it is time for submission," said Mike
" Yes, speedos" .said Quincy
Mike looks at Quincy. " Let's change gear. "
Quincy begins smiling." Let's "

Última edição em 16/11/2023 21:34 por Slim 66; 2 comentário(s)
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Two hours have passed. It was becoming later. Quincy, did not hear anything from Mike. " Maybe it was a bunch of hype,."
Suddenly, the phone rings
" Is this Quincy?"
Yo, man. This is Mike. I apologize I am running late. My brother -in-law and sister called and were begging me to come to Thanksgiving dinner. I just don't feel like my teenaged nephew and nieces asking me so many questions. "
Quincy begins laughing." Join the choir.
" What's your address?, "
" My address is 1700 W Wesley. Road, NW, Apt 23."
" Quincy, I am twenty minutes away from you. I reside on Pharr Road. "
" Are you joking, Mike? All of this time."
" Yes, Q. I usually use my out of state address to separate the flakes from the ' real men's I will arrive in ten, minutes. "
" See you in awhile. Later, man., said Q.
" Later, man."
They both disconnect the call.
Quincy had already showered and placed out his gear.. Although his stats were 6'2, 210 pounds, he did not underestimate his opponent.
Fortunately, it was Thanksgiving Eve, which meant no work.
Ten minutes elapsed.
There was a knock at the door.
".Who is it?" asked Quincy.
"It is , Mike.".
Quincy walks towards the door and opens it.
" Come in," said Quincy.
'Thanks. ' said Mike.
Mike walks in the door and Quincy closes it.
" Finally, I get to meet the Powerhouse, " Quincy said.
" And finally, I get to meet the Treehouse, " said Mike.
They hug each other.
' You have a tight bearhugger there, buddy, " said Quincy.
" You are not bad yourself, " said Mike
They release their hugs..
" You can change into gear in the bathroom, said Quincy. " What gear you want to start?"
" Singlets," , said Mike.
"Strapped or free?"
Mike begins laughing. "Of course, free "
Quincy begins laughing. " Freestyle or submission."
" Freestyle. Two out of three pins, replied Mike.
" Then, we go to submission, " Quincy begins to smile. " Yes "
" Okay, let me change into my singlet. "
Mike takes his gym bag with him and closes the bathroom door.
" May I take a shower" asked Mike.
" Sure, Mike," answered Quincy
" Thanks, Q" .
" Anytime."
Quincy goes into his bedroom and changes into his singlet.
Quincy does a quick change and re enters into the living room, besides his mats. He is awaiting for his opponent.
Quincy is wearing his blue singlet , with white trim.
A little later, Mike emerges from. the bathroom with his singlet. Mike is wearing a black singlet, with a big I in the middle of it
" Nice singlet, man," said Quincy.
" You , too," said Mike.
They approach the mat and stand in the middle.
" I see that you are excited , said Mike.
Mike was referring to Quincy's rising manhood.
" Well Mike, I see that you are , too. "
They shake hands and hug each other
" Let's wrestle, big Man, " said Mike.
" Yes. Let's wrestle, Champ. "

Última edição em 15/11/2023 18:20 por Slim 66; 0 comentário(s)
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Thanksgiving Eve. Quincy is planning for a quiet holiday weekend. Four days of rest. No wrestling. As Quincy is entering his house, he looks at his mats. "No activity this weekend." He closes the front door and begins walking to his bedroom to change clothes.

Quincy begins changing into something more comfortable. He removes his suit and places it neatly into his closet. He throws his shirt into the hamper and places his tie on the rack. Quincy grabs some lounge pants and a tee shirt

He heads toward the kitchen to warm up some leftovers in. the microwave for two minutes. Quincy goes to the refrigerator and pour some juice in the glass . He hears the microwave timer . Quincy grabs his food and closes the door. As he heads to the dining room table, he reaches for his phone and Googles the Meet Fighter website.

Quincy starts scrolling and see a member is in town for the weekend. He click on the advertisement. " This is the guy I have been wanting to wrestle for two years" Quincy looks over his profile. " Powerhouse?? Are you kidding?!!!!"

Powerhouse had a reputation of being a terror on the mats. Although he was 5'6" and 150 pounds , he had a solid high school and college wrestling background. He is known to takedown guys taller and heavier than him.

Quincy began to read further. If anyone is interested , please contact me as soon as possible. Flexible on gear.
" Hmmm",said Quincy." Flexible, eh. "
Quincy responds to the ad.
" Can host. Have mats. I have always wanted to wrestle you. " Quincy presses the submit button.
He proceeds to finish his meal.

After finishing his meal, Quincy heads to his bedroom to take a nap. An hour or two passes and he looks at his phone. Powerhouse has responded.
I would like to wrestle you, too. I admire your physique and I like your profile. I am waiting for your response, Treehouse.
" The battle of the Houses"
Quincy sends his response. "Name the time and the place."
Five minutes later " Your mats , later tonight."
I like that. No bull Just being straight up.
"Sure. My name is Quincy. What time?"
Powerhouse responds: How about two hours? I must shower. My name is Michael. Where are you located?"
Quincy responds." I am located in Buckhead. I have my own place and mats . Do you want to exchange numbers? "
'Sure", said Mike .
They exchange numbers.
" I need to shower too. Later.

Última edição em 15/11/2023 17:14 por Slim 66; 9 comentário(s)
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Younger vs. Older. Heavy vs. Light.. Taller vs Shorter.. Lean vs Rotund Jobber vs. Heel

Does the physical difference between two opponents make match more interesting.?

We know trash talk does.
We know battling for the Alpha title: no doubt
Definitely, earning bragging rights.

In my opinion, it does. How is disparity ignited?

Something that has existed for the beginning of the human race: the male ego.

We as men, are creature of sight. If we want something, desperately, we pursue it. In wrestling, we see an opponent who we think that we can dominate (or become dominated), we pursue.

What are your thoughts??

Última edição em 20/10/2023 22:44 por Slim 66; 22 comentário(s)
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