Neil and I agreed to meet to wrestle in a hotel and set it up for an all-night stay to allow for more action after hours, if desired. Neil was just my opposite: where I am ready to get it on and go for it, he is much more relaxed and shy. To ease his nervousness, I just sat and listened to him talk about his fears, his unknowns, and his concerns. We also laid down some limits for our match. Then we stripped down and got on our knees.

I knew I had my hands full as he had a 50-lb weight advantage. We struggled briefly and then I had him on his back. He squirmed and twisted but I easily held him down. I was going for the pin when suddenly he rolled me and now I was on my back. All 230 lbs were pressing down on my midsection and I was desperately trying to breathe. I was surprised at his agility: he spun around and locked his thighs around my neck in a dreaded head scissors. AND STARTED SQUEEZING!

I was in agony. I bucked. I thrashed. I kicked. I struggled. I did every damn thing a wrestler does to escape the lethal thighs that now bound me from either side. After I struggled in vain, I knew the only way out was to tap. So it was now 1- 0, Neil.

We started Round 2 on our feet and suddenly I was in the tightest, most painful bear hug I had ever been in. I have a wrestling buddy in New Mexico who likes to trade bear hugs with me in brutal contests when we meet. But this was nothing like that. Neil actually picked me up 6" off the damn floor and continued to squeeze.

"OK, I give! I give!" He dropped me and we both went to our knees. Getting behind me, Neil slapped on a nasty sleeper hold (actually a rear naked choke). As he squeezed, he taunted me, "You know, I had karate training a few years ago and know how to put guys out!" Tighter and tighter he squeezed. I was beginning to black out. But before I could, he released the hold and pushed me roughly to the mats.

"You gonna mess with me, you're going to feel it!" he growled. I was too dazed to care.

Later on, that night, he woke up and we wrestled in the bed and again he slapped on the sleeper hold. This time he put me out for real and I got hard as a rock.

The night ended and too soon we had to pack up to leave. The victory goes to Neil but at the same time we were very evenly matched and had a glorious time. The picture above was taken when I was put into Neil's sleeper hold for real.

Última edição em 05/8/2019 21:43 por Roughmatch; 3 comentário(s)
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The temperatures climbed into the mid 80's as I saw Scott coming down across the lawn, stripped to his waist. "Hey, Tom!" he called. "You ready for our match?" I said "Oh, hell yeah!" and we both headed for the outdoor mats that lay next to the wrestling barn at Thunder dome. I suddenly realized I wanted to wear a different pair of trunks for our match. "Be right back, Scott!" I dashed to my tent and grabbed my red posing trunks.
Appearing back at the mats, Scott and I began to warm up stretch. "You ready for this, punk?" Scott grinned. "Oh hell, yeah!" I replied. I had seen Scott wrestle numerous times on video and had dreamed of getting him all to myself one day. Well, here was my golden opportunity and I was going to make the best of it.
We stood up and faced off. We hadn't even begun to circle when Scott grabbed me in a side headlock and cranked it hard. "A-HHHHH" I yelled. My outburst didn't seem to affect him at all and he simply hip tossed me to the mat. "You fucker!" I yelled but was cut short when Scott's massive thighs grabbed my neck in an iron grip: the dreaded head scissors for which Scott was extremely notorious. I grabbed his legs with both hands but was completely helpless and defenseless as the sadistic veteran had his way with me.
Squeezing and relaxing, squeezing and relaxing, the punishment continued. "You like that, boy?" Scott said but my ears were trapped between his pythons and I could not hear much of anything.
"I can't hear you, boy!" Scott was starting his humiliation routine, for which he was already well known.
We were both sweating buckets and I finally managed to wriggle out and get to my base. But Scott is a veteran and knows just how take o counter.
Before I could turn around to get him in a hold, he grabbed my face and shoved it deep and hard into his crotch! "Take some of that, Boy!" he snarled.
This was extremely humiliating and I knew I must do something so I bucked and rolled, trying to free myself from Scott's wrath. We had both agreed to meet on these mats prior to my coming East but neither one of us had dreamed it would be this rough.
Then Scott grabbed my arm and put me into a punishing arm bar. "Yeah, that's where my boy belongs!" he growled as he ramped up the pressure. I could do nothing but moan and groan as the pain stabbed into my arm and shoulder. This guy was all business and he meant business on the mats. I was nothing but clay in the hands of this muscled destroyer.
Suddenly, Scott spun around and locked on the dreaded head scissors again. But this time I was directly opposite him: his legs around my head and my legs were dangerously close to his head. All of a sudden, I saw a golden opportunity. Flexing my body while in his tight scissor hold, I managed to lock my thighs around......YES! HIS FUCKING NECK! And I poured it on as hard as I could.
"Take that, you fucker!" I screamed. I couldn't hear anything much as I was also trapped in scissors. But it was the damn double head scissors that I had dreamed about for so many years. I was finally in a head scissor war with the King of Head Scissors. Now it was a battle of endurance to see who would succumb first. First Scott squeezed harder, than I squeezed even harder. He kept his scissors on tight but I wasn't worried. I could still breathe, although my neck was aching from the long powerful....and painful...head scissors.
"You give up yet, Boy?" Scott yelled. "Fuck you!" I yelled back, only to be rewarded with yet another powerful squeeze from those tree trunks legs. "I said, Do you give, boy?" Scott yelled yet again. "I said, Fuck you!" I yelled back, giving Scott's neck yet another powerful and nasty squeeze.
"OK! OK! I give! I fucking g-i-v-v-v-v-e-e-e-e-" Scott screamed.
We both let loose and lay on the mats covered in sweat and both hurting from what we had just done to each other.
Rolling over, I gave Scott a big hug! "Thanks for the match, Scott! You made my day!" I said.
Scott grinned as we helped each other up. "You've got some damn strong legs, Tom!" Scott said.
I could not have been more pleased to receive such a compliment from a veteran. Yes, I had dreamed of wrestling this big star with the powerful legs. And it had happened.
There is more to come. Next July, there will be two men on the mats who will continue the next chapter in the Head Scissors War!

Última edição em 04/8/2019 03:19 por Roughmatch; 4 comentário(s)
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With 23 years of wrestling experience, I have attended many wrestling events and wrestled many awesome men. Living in tbe Pacific Northwest where wrestling is not big business and opponents are few and far between, traveling is necessary to meet and wrestle some of tbe best men in the underground. Having never attended Thunderdome, I wasn't sure what to expect. I need not have worried. The weekend more than exceeded my best hopes and gave me more competition, laughter, and camraderie than I could have dreamed. And many good friends were made on and off the mats, men whom I plan to wrestle again in the future. And soeveral fantasies were played out that I never saw coming. Jeff, from the time I laid eyes on you, you had my heart. You are gorgeous and fun to fight. You let me play out a law officer vs cptraffic violator fight fantasy. And when you let me gut punch you in the barn, that was heaven. And even the extra activity in the dorm tent made me very happy. And Scott, the BG East scissor master: you made my day with that submission match ending in the double head scissors. Rowdy Ray, you afe something else. You just loved to punish me every chance you got.....and I loved every minute of it. And tbe new BG East artival.....that was an awesome submission match and I will heel for you anytime. I wrestled too many men to thank individually here. But you know who you are and my thanks to each and everyone. My biggest praise to Joe and Elly who literally knock themselves out to put this weekend on. He coubts on dobations to keep the evebt going. I read a blog that says it's uncertain if the event will happen in 2020. Guys, we can't let that happen. I look forward to next year and I might be brave enough to pool wrestle you guys or even oil wrestle, if I can break into your oil wrestlers club. I really loved the weekend. Thanks to one and all. Even those of you 300 lbs were a complete enjoyment. Iron Bear, you're being called out for round 2!

Última edição em 02/8/2019 01:17 por Roughmatch; 0 comentário(s)
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