Greekprofantasy's blog

Well since the year is almost out of the room I took some time and looked back at it. All I can say is that 2019 sucked big time. I had issues with both my shoulders leading to a microsurgery on my left one. It healed nicely but still hate the fact that I had to go under the blade.

That and real life made 2019 a very slow year for me. Sure I had a few fights with some hot awesome guy, and a lady, but nowhere near what I was hoping for.

Well I hope 2020 treats me in a much better way!

Última edição em 19/12/2019 17:52 por Greekprofantasy; 2 comentário(s)
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So two things are happening at the same time!

On New Years Eve I had a right shoulder injury. It's kind of funny since I have competed for more than 20 years (no, not from this site only!) and I never even suffered I minor injury (scrapes and bruises are not included) and then this happen out of thin air. Oh well! This will keep me off the mats for a couple months I guess BUT they have the technology to make me better, faster, stronger!

Also diet plan goes smooth. I have already dropped a couple kgr and will remove several more. Hell I have plenty of clothes I can't wear right now!

Don't be shy, say hello:)

Última edição em 19/1/2018 07:18 por Greekprofantasy; 2 comentário(s)
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