FunWrestler94's Blog

Name change

Endlich habe ich auch einen Führerschein und bin somit schonmal deutlich mobiler als vorher. Das ist echt blöd, wenn man keine Möglichkeit zu hosten hat und auch selbst kaum zu den Leuten hin kommt, aber das ist ja jetzt vorbei. :-)

Hoffentlich finden sich jetzt noch ein paar Gegner, die vielleicht vorher nicht ganz so erreichbar waren. Ich habe echt sooo Bock auf einen neuen Fight und will mich endlich mal wieder auspowern :D

Última edição em 29/11/2014 12:04 por Ringerboy94; 0 comentário(s)
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I thought, to avoid misunderstandings, it could be useful to write more detailed what types of matches I'm looking for, so here it is :)

The first thing I'm looking for is a competitive match. For this one I want an opponent who is around my age (let's say up to 10 years older than me, exceptions possible). Both try to give their best to make the other guy submit with pins and submissions (or to get him to the ground for a certain time - whatever the rules are). Although I don't look that strong, I promise you'll have a hard time here 'cause I'll be really determined to win. Stakes are possible but not necessary. Which clothes we wear doesn't matter to me as long as it's not naked ;). Also I'm open to different fighting styles if you have other suggestions.

The second thing I'm looking for is a jobber-heel match. Here the age of my opponent doesn't matter if he already has past opponents. As I prefer the role of the jobber in this match, it would be great if my opponent is bigger/stronger/heavier than me. That way I could also fight back normally (optional) and it could still be a jobber-heel match. The heel squashes the jobber and punishes him with long pins and multiple submission holds. The heel doesn't release the jobber when he submits, he only loosens the hold a little. He also decides when he ends the round and punishes the jobber as long as he wants in every way he wants (but of course without injuries, safety comes always first).
It would also be awesome if we could combine the first and the second. First we have a competitive match and we both are determined to win. Later it turns out that one is clearly stronger and gets the role of the heel :)

The third thing I'd like to do is to train a little. We exchange our experience, which techniques are good in which situation and so on. We practice different holds, try to apply them on each other and try to get out of them. We could also do pracice matches to try out what we learned. :-)

Oh and I'd also like to do a fight in the water one day :-)

Última edição em 19/5/2014 14:38 por Ringerboy94; 0 comentário(s)
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