
Gyaku63 is recommended by Ferrero83 (5/21/2018)

Très bon moment de lutte avec un jobber résistant avec des épaules larges, et qui aime bien son rôle. Réservé mais aussi très sympathique en dehors du tapis.

Trois ans après notre première rencontre, nous avons tous les deux pris du poids, mais nous nous sommes autant amusés. Gyaku63 est jobber mais il lutte et résiste bien, il est le bon partenaire pour tester des prises. Il est très sympathique et fiable, n’hésitez pas à le rencontrer.


ausjock28 is recommended by beypan (5/21/2018)

First Pro experience with AUsjock28. It was fun in the give and take part. He is big and strong enough to do some lifting move to guys in my size.he Also can take lots of punishment . Off the mat, he is very friendly and good host! !


beypan is recommended by ausjock28 (5/21/2018)

Beypan was on time for his match and came without fuss. To put it simply this guy is a wrestling machine and has good wrestle knowledge and skills to make a jobber out of most! His muscle bod can take a good beating as we did pro/sub wrestling. He is such a respectful wrestler and not out cause serious injury, but you better watch out or he will be flexing over you too! Definitely recommend Beypan for any guys wanting sub or pro matches and I look forward to our next encounter.


Garou31 is recommended by ausrasren123 (5/21/2018)

Super huge. Super strong. Super hot. Super fighter.
Had a very intense Match with this big guy.
In grappling ive beaten him... In freestyle Wrestling i hadnt have a chance.
Hope for a rematch!!!


gutcheck is recommended by Sub Pro Learner (5/21/2018)

Wow. I met Gutcheck this morning. I was expecting something good but I found something simply great.
He’s the real deal. At first he showed me some basic pro skills and then he started to heel. What a fun match! Camel, Boston over the knee... you name it! Always incredibly safe and sane.
And then the gutpunching. He can really listen to the opponent body and adapt himself. I felt incredibly lucky having the chance to meet this man. And outside the mat even though we had a lil time, I found a sweet, funny and incredibly enjoyable guy. Needles to say if you get to NY and you need to fulfill your jobber side go and meet the perfect heel.


denwrestle is recommended by NJW77 (5/21/2018)

We had a looong wrestling match in Denver... even though he lives quite far from Denver. He is a true gentleman:-) good stamina, flexibility...can’t wait for next match!


hunwrest is recommended by nyc31 (5/21/2018)

Hunwrest is a super nice and handsome guy, and very strong and skilled. Had a great time with this man at his place in Brooklyn. Highly recommend hunwrest. Really enjoyed putting each other in holds, doing tests of strength and struggling. Looking forward to keeping in touch with him as I gain more experience.


wrestlervishnu is recommended by dag (5/21/2018)

Wrestlervishnu is a very fine person with a captivating smile. He has broad muscular shoulders and a large chest. His handshake is firm and strong and already gives an idea what to expect on the mats. Wrestlervishnu knows different submission technics and I had to be careful not to be trapped as the strength of his arms and legs would have made me tap too often. Wrestlervishnu is a respectful wrestler who knows how to control his strength and his movements. It was a great moment to wrestle wrestlervishnu.


Wrestler-Hamburg is recommended by RingerBRB (5/21/2018)

Wegen grauenhafter Internetverbindung ist es mir erst jetzt möglich meinen letzten Gegner Biwrestler zu bewerten, mit dem ich schon lange vorher Kontakt aufgenommen hatte. Ich kann Ihn nur jedem, der seine Stats hat als sehr netten, intelligenten und offenen Menschen und Gegner empfehlen.
Es war ein von Anfang an sehr angenehmes und freundliches Treffen.
Biwrestler ist sehr ausdauernd und stark und wenn wir beide gewichtsmässig näher beieinander gelegen hätten, wäre das Ergebnis vermutlich ein anderes gewesen.
Ungeachtet dessen waren es sehr angenehme 90 min, und ich freue mich sehr, diesen netten Gegner kennengelernt zu haben,
Er hat meine volle Empfehlung


JasonAnders is recommended by Blondguy94 (5/21/2018)

Great guy on and off the Mat! He is very likeable, and has a great passion for wrestling. Brings a lot of spirit, strength, and stamina to the match. It was a great time with lots of sweat!
