
Lancerwrestler is recommended by JMM (2/27/2020)

Lance is a great guy. Loved our match. He does make a good jobber. But he does put a good fight. Even with my size advantage I had trouble getting him to tap or pinning him. He is easy to talk to and communicates his preferences in a match. Looking forward to a rematch. If you get the chance to wrestle him take it, I highly recommend him.


Wrestlerct is recommended by Sunny DeLeon (2/26/2020)

Met this guy at the 2020 Wrestlefest event in NYC. We were very evenly matched in our starting BJJ round. He knew his positioning and defenses well and we were both huffing and puffing to try and get leverage on each other. It turned out to be a standstill. We switched to a lighter jobber heel match where I jobbed for him and he destroyed me with multiple submission holds and dirty tactics. Needless to say, we were drenched in sweat by the end of our incredibly hot session. Recommend this guy if you're looking for someone with real mat skills or a dirty vicious heel. Also, he was an amazing host and conversationalist!


chubbyjudo is recommended by irishman (2/26/2020)

Chubbyjudo is a well-prepared and considerate host with mats and gear at the ready. He certainly warmed me up on a cold winter's night with some tight bearhugs.


nycwrestlegp1 is recommended by Sunny DeLeon (2/26/2020)

I met this guy at the 2020 Wrestlefest event in NYC. A very handsome man with a thing for gut bashing both giving and receiving. Although he heeled for the majority of the match, I can see shades of jobber in the way he sold pain which was drawing out the heel in me. He's lucky that jobbing is my kink or the red on his belly would've become a permanent tattoo 😉. Great mutual gut bashing fun and charming man off the mats.


JaguarJock is recommended by HansAuslander (2/26/2020)

MuscleToy was a great opponent. Definitely excelled at submission holds and is incredibly strong. We had a bout of a little over an hour and was totally worth it.


Aust10wrstlr is recommended by Sunny DeLeon (2/26/2020)

Met this guy at the 2020 Wrestlefest event in NYC. We were originally scheduled to have a three-way match but the third couldn't make it so Aus10wrstlr and I had a very fun luchador fantasy pro match. He entered the arena in an incredibly sexy rudo get up - black mask, black trunks, knee pads and boots. I came in wearing a gold mask, gold knee pads (which he graciously lent me), gold trunks (& thong) and white wrist and elbow bands. It was a classic good vs evil pro fantasy match. Although evil triumphed in the end, Aus10wrstlr fulfilled many of my pro wrestling fantasies. I would love to get in the ring with this guy and see what we could do together. Btw, he is very dashing 😍. I hope he comes to visit Winnipeg one day.


renguin is recommended by 4fun (2/26/2020)

Finally got to wrestle this guy and had a great time..look forward to rematch.... highly recommend if you get the opportunity.


JMM is recommended by Sunny DeLeon (2/26/2020)

Met this guy at the 2020 Wrestlefest event in NYC. Very big and strong guy and made for a very intimidating and brutal (and safe) heel! Also very open to lots of dirty tactics and humiliation so if that's your kink, I recommend JMM. Very personable and friendly off the mats.


HansAuslander is recommended by JaguarJock (2/26/2020)

He’s a super nice guy, and I had some fantastic give and take with him. Super hospitable host and a great wrestler.


matthias is recommended by Atom888 (2/26/2020)

Matthias was the first person I wrestled after many years. An excellent submission and BJJ wrestler, really strong and didn’t really give me an inch. He pretty much dominated me. But next time when I’m more more experienced with submission, it won’t be so easy for him.

Mathias is also a really nice guy, and we got to hang out and share a few beers. Interesting, well travelled and handsome too. Matthias is a gentleman on and off the mat. Wrestle with him if you get the chance. I highly recommend him.
