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Member since 2.0 years
Age 54
Height 6'0" (183 cm)
Weight 200 lbs (91 kg)
Gender Male
Last login 2 days ago
Last update 12/08/2023



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  1. USA - Oklahoma, Muskogee
    Place of residence


Submission Submission
No holds barred No holds barred

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Squash match

Followers of Bandit98


6ft 200 pounds athletic white male. Clean cut.

Looking for a giant or huge muscular powerful man. Bigger the better. Looking for a very huge muscular dude who has always wanted to unleash ALL of his muscle, his power, his strength on someone with absolutely no holding back , No mercy asked by me, no limits, no restrictions no matter how tall huge massive, strong, powerful or muscular you may be. There must be ONE massive muscular man somewhere who would love all this challenge, dare. etc. Bone crushing bearhugs, lifts, picking someone up and throwing them around like a toy, whatever you wish.

Anyone, any big huge muscled man out there accept? or even just a big ol giant man. come on, we can have some fun.



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